Friday, February 18, 2011

Vegetarians v Meat Eaters

i'm NOT a Vegetarian and i'm PROUD to be a MEAT EATER coz it's DELICIOUS despite being HAZARDOUS to health if i overdo with the meat eating.

So why are some people vegetarians?

1. Spiritual purposes.
2. Health purposes.
3. Allergic to meats?
4. Love animals, Hate plants/vegetables/fruits

It has come to my attention there are many kinds of vegetarians. Some are strict vegetarians, some are flexible vegans (i'm gonna use this short term because spelling vegetarian is TOO LONG). If i'm not mistaken, flexible vegans can eat eggs?

I have nothing against vegans and i admire how they can resist eating meat BUT i do get annoyed when some vegans think they are better than meat eaters in the sense that they are more pure and humane. PETA seem to be giving out this kind of idea.

I love PETA when it comes to those anti fur campaigns or anti abusing animals but not when they try to brainwash you to be a vegan just because being a vegan is a healthier choice. You can be a healthy meat eater if you control the amount of meat that you eat.

Just because we kill animals for their meat, that doesn't mean we DON'T VALUE the LIFE OF ANOTHER BEING. It's survival of the fittest. Instinct to eat meat. Animals kill other animals for their meat. Can you make a tiger eat plants like cows?

Like i've said in my previous blogs, humans are built to eat meat. That's why we have CANINE TEETH. Why Tigers have sharp teeth? Just for deco? Why don't cows have canine teeth too?

If we eat meat, we slaughter them the right way. Not torture them before we kill them. Even animals don't do that. Predators go right for the sensitive spot to kill their prey (like the neck).

Vegans can find fault with meat eaters and say we are cruel because of the way we kill animals for consumption. That's what happen when you don't slaughter animals the right way. At this point, you must admire Islam for providing the right and humane way to slaughter animals for consumption.

Really? I've seen so many meat eaters who still can produce babies with their partners? In fact, i heard that meat eaters are more sexual.

read the small caption. As far as i know, Islamic slaughter is humane and doesn't involved torturing and abusing animals.

Brainwashing you to be a Vegan...

Annoying Misleading Statement

Becoming a Vegan makes you a Nudist?

Duh, or another option is LESSEN your meat intake... Owh, and if u become a vegan, you won't have the chance to see a sexy nurse coz u r always soooo healthy

Heheh Good One on what PETA stands for because some of their protesters are like that.


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