Saturday, February 26, 2011

Drive Angry Review/Comments

You should watch the movie. It's one of a kind. Not your typical kind of action movie. It's about a man who wants to get his revenge and rescue his grandchild. It's not entirely hardcore action because there are some "supernatural" elements too. Actually, this is my kind of action movie. So that's my review, 7 out of 10 stars. So the following sentences will contain SPOILERS and irrelevant stuff so don't read if you wanna watch it.

Initially i wasn't too thrilled to watch this movie because i don't really like Nicholas Cage. I liked him in Con Air but when his hair style started to look weird, i just find him an irritating action hero. I know he has balding problems. So instead of trying to make his hair look long with a very obvious receding hairline, he should just go 100% BALD. That way he will look like a bad ass action hero instead of a bad ass action hero with a disturbing hairdo. Look at Bruce Willis, he looks good bald then having semi hair.

But among all the Hollywood action heroes, i think only Nicholas Cage can play a "supernatural" action hero since he acted in Ghost Rider before. Keanu Reeves can be one too but he's too cute to have a crazy bad boy image like Cage. But i looooooooove him in Constantine.

So if i'm not wrong, Nicholas Cage plays a character that is already dead and is staying in hell but when he found out his daughter was killed and the daughter's baby is about to be sacrificed by a crazy ass cult leader, he gets out of hell to seek revenge and safe the baby. "The Accountant" is suppose to bring him back to hell (some kind of hell officer?. But i loooove the guy playing The Accountant. He's soooo funny and sarcastic. He's my most favourite character in that movie.

I gave the movie 7 stars because it's good but there was a really very very bloody stupid scene, like the one where he was having sex with a woman and then a bunch of guys enter the room to kill him so the scene was showing he's like hugging the naked woman while shooting and slicing his enemies. The scene sounds fimilar? It's the same stupid bloody scene from "Shoot Em Up" where Clive Owen did the same thing with Monica Belluci. What, is this kind of scene suppose to be SEXY? NO BLOODY WAY did it turn me on. I just want to die of embarrassment watching it.

Nice GORE too. Not to gory but still nice. Maybe need to download the movie online to get the version without censorship.

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