Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Some TV Dramas are Simply Stupid

Sometimes i get the golden opportunity to be AMUSED by stupid tv dramas when i go to eat at restaurants like the mamak or any malay restaurants.

Like today, i was eating at a malay restaurant and on tv, they were showing some stupid Indonesian drama. I find all Indonesian dramas are stupid, especially those with stupid fairy tale kind of storyline with those bad special effects.

Not only is the drama stupid, but irritating. Why is it irritating? They like to ZOOM RIGHT INTO the actor's/actress's face especially when the facial expression is showing they are SHOCKED/SNEERING/OVERWHELM BY SADNESS. As if by zooming it will be extra dramatic.

Tamil tv dramas are even more irritating (i don't watch, but i happen to surf through the channels when i'm bored). They like to ZOOM the actor's/actress's face too, but to be more super dramatic, they zoom it SEVERAL TIMES (as if one time is not enough). WTH?

Malay tv dramas are almost like Indonesian tv dramas. All they talk about is love, love and love, relationships, who likes who, who tries to sabotage the love of whoever, rich guy meets poor girl, or vice versa. The love will be the major plot of the story while there will be some minor plots like taking over somebody's company or trying to inherit as much property as possible. Malay tv dramas are soooo into "datuks" and "datins". How do i know all these if i don't watch? Hell, whenever i happen to be watching these dramas on tv when the restaurants are playing it, they will always talk about love relationships.

When i was younger, i love to watch this kind of crap because i want my favourite character to be in love with the other person. But i outgrown them, due to boredom and the fact that it's a waste of time to be talking about relationship 24/7. Do we actually do that in real life? So obsessed with our relationship and others' as well?

Some western tv dramas are like that too, especially soap operas. I used to like watching The Bold and The Beautiful but as the plots becomes of stupid and ridiculous, i just lost interest. There was this whorish character that sleeps with everyone, including her daughter's husband. And her daughter can easily forgive her? And to make it more ridiculous is that there was an in vitro fertilization that went wrong when the mother's ovum was mixed up with the daughter's, resulting in the mother's ovum being assimilated with the daughter's husband's sperm.

I love Grey's Anatomy because they have good script but the characters keep on having sex and keep on changing partners and it's irritating. Sex really do sell. You can't make the show interesting without involving sex?

I think i just hate shows that concentrates too much on the human's emotions.


  1. You can actually. Watch Royal Pains instead.

  2. it's not one of my favs but i think it's an entertaining show. new kind of medical tv show.. Just like True Blood, new kind of vampire show :-D
