Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Dying/Dead Cat Dream...

Last night i had a dream about a cat, whereby i was holding a dead cat (it seems like the cat died of old age since it was big and fat and the fact that when the cat was given to me, it was already dead).

Yeah, that made me cried. I was crying in my dream then i realized i was crying for real too. And i was crying hard. It's not like i never cried in real when i'm dreaming but usually it will just end up with me sobbing.

I always have a fascination with dreams. So i googled up what does a dying cat dream means because so far whenever i have a dream about cats, the cats will be alive. And i found an interpretation which i think relate to my current life :

This is a very positive dream. It may not have felt good, but trust me it's very good.

The cats are symbols for self-deception. Lies you tell yourself. It could be anything. Sexual illusions, feeling sorry for yourself or for others, or just anything you believe that comforts you but isn't true.

So a cat dying is a very good sign, but it means you are starting to become more aware and comfortable with the truth in your life. More independent.

The bad news is you still got more of these illusions in your life, but the dream seems to be pointing to the fact that they are leaving your mind (trying to get out of your house).

So if there are positive changes you have made to your life recently, or new kinds of thoughts you have then keep going in that direction. You want to have more dreams like this.

I found other interpretations too but it seems irrelevant since most people dreamed their pet cat dying. The cat in my dream wasn't mine.

I wonder if i was dreaming of strangling someone, will i end up strangling my partner sleeping next to me? heheheheh.

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