Wednesday, February 16, 2011

An OLD person, a HANDICAPPED and a PREGNANT woman

An old man.
A handicapped person.
A pregnant woman.

What does all three of these people have in COMMON? These are people who you must give your seats to if you are in a public transport. These people have PRIORITY OVER YOUR SEATS. But among these 3, who will have more priority?

During my flight from Dubai to KL, there was an elderly couple in their 60's sitting next to me. One of the flight attendants was PREGNANT. I'm not sure how many months but maybe above 5 months since her tummy was obvious.

So i observed the old guy asking the pregnant woman to get his bag from the above compartment.

At this point, it made me think, who had more priority, an old man or a pregnant woman? The old man wasn't that fragile old looking. In addition, he's a MAN. And the flight attendant is a PREGNANT WOMAN who is probably in her mid term pregnancy.

It's in my opinion that the pregnant woman should have more priority. I mean the old man should just take the bag himself. Don't guys like to give the impression they are still strong even though they are old? I know it's the flight attendant's job to do what's reasonably requested by the passengers but be a little considerate towards a pregnant flight attendant.

Later, about 20 mins before landing, i saw this one woman who was freaking busy putting makeup on her face. It was distracting because she took out all her makeup products from her makeup bag such as the liquid foundation, lipstick, eyeshadow, blusher etc. I have no prob with her putting on her 20 inch makeup but while she was occupied with looking like a clown, the pregnant flight attendant informed her to put her large handbag in the above compartment.

Told her once, the clown didn't listen. Told her the second time, the clown still didn't listen. I saw the annoyed look on the flight attendant's face. The flight attendant was standing nearby, as if waiting for the clown to put up her handbag. In the end, another flight attendant had to put up that handbag because the clown was too busy to be bothered to do what was requested nicely by the flight attendant. What a bitch of a clown. You should see her face difference before and after putting on the makeup. Damn, her clownish makeup was bloody thick. Do some women actually realize that when they put that thick of a makeup they only end up looking like a transvestite?

So today i took the bus from my place to the Curve. There weren't that many people in the bus. I saw 3 children below the age of 5 who were sitting and they were accompanied by 3 adults. One of the adult puts her bags on the empty seat next to her. What's my problem with the pic?

1. I like children but i really don't like misbehaved children. misbehaved = rude, can't sit still when told to do so, running here and there like monkeys etc. So in this current case, the children can't sit quietly even when the parents told them to. Why are children given priority to seat? Because if they stand, they might fall since the bus might suddenly stop and you will be thrown slightly forward . So if you don't sit down PROPERLY, might as well you don't seat at all since you are gonna fall anyway.

2. bags don't have butts, so they don't need a bloody seat. You can only put your stuff on a seat next to you if really the bus isn't that packed. Halfway through our destination, the bus started to pick up many people but yet the woman didn't bother to put the bags on the floor.

3. Why don't parents just let their child SIT ON THEIR LAPS? That way, you still provide seats to other people and your child will seat properly and by you holding them, they won't fall.

I would like to point out that a person who carries many things should have priority over the seats too, meaning, if some old,handicapped or pregnant person needs a seat, that person with many things shouldn't be forced to give up her/his seat just because some inconsiderate jackass/bitch that doesn't carry many things or carry nothing at all refused to give up his/her seat.

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