Friday, February 25, 2011

Suicide Over Rejected Love

It's not that i have no respect for other people's opinion, but sometimes some opinions are simply UNACCEPTABLE and STUPID. While there are some opinions which are not stupid but you just choose not to accept it because you believe in yours more.

So what kind of opinion is UNACCEPTABLE and STUPID?

Like when people say if it's not for religion, he'll commit suicide over some woman who rejected his love. Seriously people, is life all about LOVE? Is it about sacrificing your dignity over love? Do you think it's a NOBLE thing to kill yourself over rejected love or a failed relationship?

Regardless of religion, committing suicide is definitely STUPID, especially if it's over LOVE because a partner is always replaceable. I mean, if your partner doesn't appreciate you or rejects you, then just move on with your life and find someone new instead of dwelling in your pathetic rejected love misery. Yes, it MAY take ages for you to find someone that you will really love again but true love don't come easy. If that's what you are looking for anyway.

And really, what kind of people "like" a status where the person thinks committing suicide is an option over a rejected love? Do they actually support it or do they think it's so stupid that it deserved to be "liked"? Or perhaps they are just one of those crazies who will DO ANYTHING FOR LOVE.

At least committing suicide because you owe money from loan sharks is still reasonable since you are gonna get killed by them anyway if you don't pay up.

And there are a lot of stories where people committed suicide over failed relationship or rejected love. Like that recent incident where the chinese guy killed himself because of his failed relationship WHICH WAS ONLY LIKE 4 MONTHS OLD and before committing suicide he posted a notice on his facebook. Then the guy who drank poison because his ex gf was going to get married. God only knows whether he died or not but i think he did, can't remember the news.

I have this thinking that if a person is willing to do ANYTHING FOR LOVE for his/her partner, he/she probably have parents which are NOT THAT LOVING to him/her, thus seeing that his/her partner loves him/her more than the parent. Your parents looked after you 20 years ++ but when you get a partner who you are in a relationship for less than 5 YEARS, you are willing to give up your life for a person WHO DIDN'T EVEN DO MUCH FOR YOU?

I hope you can see how stupid it is to commit suicide because of love. This life is not some freaking fairy tale that emphasize love conquers all. There is more to life than love. And if you are gonna do stupid things for love, better don't love at all.

And as a woman, if i get a guy who says he's willing to kill himself because of me, i will immediately lose respect for him. I don't know, some people think that if they say they will commit suicide for that person he/she loves, the partner will think it's sooooo bloody noble and runs back to that person? Ha, not at all. It will look like that person is pathetic and can't move on. There goes all the respect for yourself.


  1. My God, you really are a nasty screwed up person

  2. why? coz u PRO suicide while i ANTI suicide? Suicide is stupid and irresponsible. End of story

  3. Good job! simple and straightforward. I'm very suicidal too but can't help but thinking that there's something more about this life has to offer and that I don't wanna miss ^_^
