Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Evil Sarcasm

WARNING : if u r married, don't read.

Today i went to JPN (Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara) with my dad because he has to make a new IC since his was stolen.

So there was this one department where people would register to get married and divorce (since it says PERKAHWINAN & PERCERAIAN). So i saw many couples taking pics because there's this flowery decoration stand for you to take pics. And there was this couple who hold their wedding certificate (i think that's it since it's in A4 size) and took a pic together smiling.

So it made me think, would ex couples hold a divorce certificate (or probably a letter verifying they are divorced) and take a picture together? They should. It's a celebration of going through the pain and suffering endured during the marriage. And probably a real success if the marriage was like more than 10 years old which finally ended up in a divorce.

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