Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hospice is like kindergarten (life cycle) says :

Hospice : a nursing home that specializes in caring for the terminally ill.

Kindergarten : a class or small school for young children, usually between the ages of four and six to prepare them for primary education.

I was watching CNN(my dad had it switched on), so there was an interview with a woman who works at a hospice in China (if i'm not mistaken) and she says that hospice for old people is like kindergarten for children. She has a point.

Old people are old. Children are young. The similarities that they share is that both need the supervision of a capable adult to look after them. Basically, these people can't look after themselves.

When you are an infant/child, your parents look after you. Then you become an adult. And when your parents become older, you have to look after them. So the hospice worker was right, it's a life cycle.

But when adult children send their elderly parents to hospice/old folks home, people accused the children of being UNGRATEFUL. Honestly, this is not always the case.

Can parents be considered ungrateful for sending their children to live with their in laws because they don't have the time to look after the children? Are parents not good parents if they let the maids look after the child 24/7? The only time they have with the child is during the weekends, when they are not working.

In the case of adult children, they need to work now that their parents are old. If their parents are very sick, then hospice would be the better option because at least they get a 24/7 medical attention. Old folks home isn't that bad because at least the elderly parent can interact with other old people, unless they prefer to stay at home alone and wait until their children get back to entertain them, but that also depends whether the child is tired or not. It's life cycle actually.

Now, unless you are a healthy old person who have hobbies of your own, then that's another story. Of course the child should allow the parent to live with them (but usually the parent will be staying in her/his own house).

It depends why a an adult send his/her parent to a hospice/old folks home. If it's to get rid of the parent because the parent is burdensome, than that's so wrong. If it's because they need constant care/attention, then that should be ok, provided the child visits the parent occasionally.

Sometimes old people get neglected. So does children.

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