Wednesday, February 16, 2011

That Annoying Goody Two Shoes...

In life, there is this bunch of saintly people. Saintly in the sense that no matter how bad or evil things are, they are like SO BLOODY DAMN FORGIVING. Example :

you were cursing away because some a**shole stole your stuff. Then come Miss/Mr Saintly Goody 2 Shoes who says something like "we shouldn't curse such people. We must pray to God for God to lead them to the right path. There's a reason why your things were stolen"

There's a difference between being Optimistic and being Way Too Saintly.

Optimistic person would tell you "let the jackass rot in hell. On the bright side, you weren't hurt from the robbery/theft".

Way Too Saintly will start talking about religion and tells you to pray for the jackass so that God can guide him. Since the saint was a Muslim, my question is this : isn't the punishment for theft is chopping off the hands (is it one hand or both anyway?). Any jackass thief would be lucky they get cursed by those he steals from instead of being caught and have his hands chopped off!

This remind me of the time when i was being back stabbed and people told me i should forgive the bitch who back stabbed me. Forgive and Forget. Do you actually think it's so easy to forgive someone who stole your belongings, especially if it's EXPANSIVE? or to forgive someone who betrayed your trust? Who says nice things to your face but nasty things behind your back?

Yeah, it's nice to be the forgiving goody two shoes. People will look up at you, the fact that you have no hatred, your heart is so pure, you are so forgiving. Is this kind of concept even practical?

Will the goody two shoes forgive the backstabber or thief if the situation happened to them? What if a snatch theft incident happened to his/her family members and cause the death of that member? Can he still say that he will pray for the thief to be guided to the right path? Instead of cursing that murderous thief and hope severe punishment for him?

I'm a realistic person. I get angry and revengeful when someone did something bad to me. So far i've never carried out any of my revenge but i wish bad things happen to those who did me wrong. Don't expect me to pray for God to lead him to the right path because i believe, as a HUMAN ADULT, God have given you INTELLIGENCE to think what's RIGHT and BAD. You simply want to do the bad things because it's the easy way and the fact that you keep on doing it because you never get caught.


  1. Wow, you remind me of myself. But unlike you, I'm a pessimist and proud of it. If you ask me, most of optimism sickens me 'cause they remind me of goody-goodies..

    I, on the hand, would rather be cynical, irritable, violent, and revengeful, especially when I dealt with lots of people who were and are hard to handle. Besides, I learned that pessimism helps people to survive.

  2. I agree with you! Goody-goody people are so damn annoying and often give such impression of hypocrisy. They even sacrifice "naughty" good guys like me just for the sake of being nice to the bad guy. That doesn't make any sense! I'm a realist like you. I hate goody-goody people and I might curse them as much as I curse bad people too.
