Monday, February 21, 2011

Animal Print Tops

If you have a fetish for animal print fashion, don't read this because you will probably get offended. This is just my personal view of animal print fashion/tops/dresses.

If you don't know what's an animal print top, let me show you some example :

Long long long time ago, i was interested with animal print tops. I was in a Guess shop once and i saw this animal print spaghetti top. I think was a Tiger/Leopard print. The price was RM 400 (just because it was made in ITALY and not in CHINA). RM 400 for a spaghetti top was ridiculous. So i asked my ex would i look like a SLUT/LOOK OLDER wearing it? He said NO. Then again,you can't trust a man's opinion because some men really like animal print tops because they find it sexy/wild.

Initially i did find animal print tops to be sexy. But somehow when i tried it on, i just FEEL CHEAP and OLD. So i never bought animal print tops.

Why do i feel animal print tops make a woman look old and cheap?

Old because most of the time those wearing animal print tops are women in their late 30's. Like the other day, i saw this woman who was in her 30's, wearing an animal print top. I'm not a fashion expert but why do some women tend to wear a "particular trend" once they hit a certain age? And my problem with this woman's fashion is that in addition to wearing an animal print top, she dyed her hair bronze brown or something (her skin was kindda dark, wear thick makeup, have sunglasses at the top of her head (hello, we are indoors), wearing boots. It's like an old woman trying to look young but only end up looking like a slutty old woman. Not sexy mature woman.

Try comparing the casts from "Desperate Housewives" with "The Real Housewives of Jersey Shore" (I don't watch The Real Housewives, it's just that i know how the characters look like because there are so many advertisements on it). Both of the casts involved older women. Both are sexy. The former is sexy with class while the latter is sexy slutty whorish.

Some younger women wear animal print tops not because it's sexy but it was made trendy and thus the animal print tops are designed in a non sexy way (usually if it's sexy it will be tight or in spaghetti top). But i don't like both.

And why do i say it look CHEAP? Well, i don't know if you have noticed it before but PROSTITUTES usually wear animal print tops. I don't know about Malaysian prostitutes but when i watch Hollywood movies, the prostitutes are usually dressed in animal prints. It's the same with fishnets. Prostitutes like wearing fishnets so you will think twice about wearing fishnets and how you match it with your dressing. Don't get me wrong, i do love fishnets but i will only get the black ones. Another thing about prostitutes is that they like to wear BRIGHT COLOURS from head to toe. Why? maybe to attract customers from far?

If we look good in animal print tops, i'm sure God will give us animal print skin.


  1. This is a cute little top, its well fitted, however this top is not long as pictured it only comes up to my waist, nether the less its soooooo nice I still kept it. can be dresses up with skinny's and killer heels.
    Print Tops

  2. ok, I wore a leopard print dress today. Its tasteful and I was well covered. Not a revealing dress, simply leopard print.

    Within a block of leaving my house I was starting to noticed unusually high amounts of male attention. When I walked into a cafe every single male person in the room looked up and continued to look until i left with my sandwich.

    I started getting creeped out and started thinking that somehow I was signalling prostitution!

    is it true that leopard print signals this? I was completely shocked by the amount of attention. I usually don't get that. Very unusual. Any comments?

  3. hey there.. hmmm im not a fashion expert but when when one says animal print, especially like Tiger or Leopard print, they always associate it with sex or older women. I think coz animal print relates to sex, that's why most of the time prostitutes will dress in animal prints. Some men do get turn on by animal prints coz they think it's wild and sexy. But then we have to ask the question why most of the time older women will wear animal prints and not younger women? Ive heard some fashion expert says that animal prints are just meant for animals. There are so many kinds of sexiness but animal print wont fall under classy sexy. It will be either kinky sexy, wild sexy, or slutty sexy.
