Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sick & Twisted

Today i read in the news about a man who got 80 years imprisonment for raping his daughter. To make it worse, he rapes the underage daughter in front of his wife. The wife couldn't stop him because he would abuse her. But eventually she pleaded help from the neighbor to call the police.

Some people are not worth becoming a husband or father. If i'm not mistaken, this guy has like more than 5 children.

Didn't the wife see the signs of her husband perversion?

Incest happens because :

1. the man is naturally a pervert who probably wants to rape everything with a hole.

2. children are easy victims. You have power over them and they stay under the same roof with the rapist. Don't have to waste time looking for female victims outside.

3. wife depriving husband of sex, hence the perverted husband turns to the children.

4. Why waste money on prostitute and waste effort trying to get girls to sleep with u when the children are the easiest targets?

Mothers play a role in protecting their children, including protecting them against a perverted abusive husband/father.

But the problem with incest is that sometimes the children don't know what the parent is doing to them, hence the silence. Or sometimes FEAR prevent them from seeking help.

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