Friday, February 11, 2011

F*cking A**holes

God i just really want to punch the fucking face of those men who condemned the way i dress because they think they are fucking religious. Who in the fuck do you think you are?

Easily pointing out my flaw just because it's visible to your fucking eyes?
And funny thing about these motherfuckers is that, if they condemn bout my dressing, why in the first place did they FUCKING ADD ME?

Oh one moment they are fucking religious and the next moment they are fucking horny perverts?

And these men, from what i observed, they would go "Oooh she's so hot" in their fucking facebook wallposts every time they come across a hot girl that turns them on.

So picture this, you condemn another girl for dressing like a slut but you go drooling after some scantily dressed women or a nude woman? Who's the fucking hypocrite now jackass.

Oh, and you think touching a woman who's not ur wife but your gf is okay and justifies u as a fucking saint and you can condemn other woman's dressing? bastard.

Burn in hell you jackass. Burn in human hell!


  1. u,pe marah2 ni??'s me,your old buddy la,kizwan..ring any bell??:p..send you msg at myspace..see u!

  2. Kizwan? Aper nick kat Myspace? I marah coz org buat i marah.. I dah tak on myspace sgt.The new version not user friendly

  3. it's me la hun,hot_choc.igt lg ke?bis tu cmne nk cht ngan u ni?let me know as i'm online on ym every night:p

  4. oooo u... i takder ym dah.. malas nak buka...:-)

  5. ceh!then how to communicate??..use mail ek??heheh
