Thursday, February 17, 2011


Am i a punctual person? So far i've been punctual, only on one or two occasions where i'm late because i accidentally woke up late or someone made me late.

Talking about punctuality, why can't human beings be punctual? You ask them to meet at 12pm, they will come at 12.05pm or 12.10pm or 1 pm or God only knows how freaking long someone can make you wait. They would never come at 11.45am or 11.55am or 11.59 am. So if i were to ask them to come at 1pm, they will still come at 1.05pm or 1.10pm. Whatever it is, few mins of waiting is still reasonable PROVIDED it's not the whole time.

I'm talking about punctuality because in my family, i WILL ALWAYS BE THE ONE WHO'S ON TIME. I'm not bragging but it's a fact.

If it's between me, my bro and my father, i will be the one who's ready first, followed by my father than my brother. And i do apply some minimum makeup so that would take some time but yet i'm still on time. But what got me pissed off is that i already informed my brother that we are suppose to go out at 11am, but instead he SHOWERS at 11am and came down at 11.15pm. I don't care if it only takes you 2 mins to shower but the fact that you showered at 11am when the fact is that you are suppose to be ready by 11 am!! It shows either that :

1. You don't understand simple bloody English on timing.
2. Not disciplined.
3. Inconsiderate.
4. You have a fetish of making people wait for you.

Sometimes i can't help but be sarcastic to my dad about my brother putting on INVISIBLE MAKEUP.

And last time when my bitchy stepmom was still around, it took her forever to be ready because she needs to apply this and that makeup and whatever whitening face cream (as if she wasn't white enough). I get angry at her because when she's late, my dad will be pissed off. And when my dad is pissed off, the whole outing will be spoiled. If you are gonna take 1 hour to apply makeup, then do it much much earlier then!

And between me and my mother, my mother was also hardly on time. That i can't really blame her because it seems like she have gazillion chores to do, thus the delay in going out. This is another reason why i think my dad and mom aren't compatible with each other. And to be late because of chores is more acceptable than to be late because you choose to put on 20 inch makeup or to shower late.

I'm hardly mad at people for being late because sometimes they are late due to TRAFFIC. That's acceptable. But if i KNOW that you were LATE because you SHOWER LATE or any other UNREASONABLE EXCUSE than you will be in deep shit. Or that you overslept (if the frequent lateness is caused by oversleeping).

My style is that if i have a date at 8pm, i would take my shower at 6 45pm - 7pm and would be ready by 7 30pm. So yes, i'm already ready 30 mins in advance.

But i'm RETHINKING my style since nobody seem to appreciate my punctuality. Next time, i will be the late comer.

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