Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bible knowledge can now be taught to Christian students in schools: Dompok

Bible knowledge can now be taught to Christian students in schools: Dompok

In school, the Muslims will take the "Agama" class while the non Muslims will take "Moral" class. I always thought that this was UNFAIR since moral class was much much easier than agama class. There's a lot to cover for agama class especially if you are weak in writing and understanding JAWI (luckily my time there's no jawi writing). Then there's the memorizing of Surahs. Which sometimes can be pretty tough if you don't get the easier surahs. But there are some parts of the agama exams that are easier, like the "Aqidah" section because it uses a lot of Common Sense and some memorizing. During SPM i was aiming for an A in agama since i usually get As but i only end up getting a B3. Damn i was disappointed. Either Allah must be angry at me or my paper was being sent to a Terengganu/Kelantan marker.

With the moral classes, they teach you general moral things. Nothing religious at all. It would be more challenging if they have to memorize some of their own religious teachings or history/stories. But it always made me wonder why the non Muslims don't have their very own religious classes like the Muslims such as Christian, Hindu and Buddhism.

1. Not practical?

If such classes were introduced, would the exam be compulsory or non compulsory or will it just be an extra curricular activity? Then they would need to come up with the syllabuses and exam questions which may not be that easy. If this becomes compulsory, what will happen to those who are not Christian, Hindu or Buddhist?

The way i see it, such classes can either be non compulsory or an extra curricular activity. But it can't be an extra curricular since you already have such Clubs. And such clubs don't really give you exam tests on the religion. Hence, non compulsory?

And it should be introduced into government schools and government should support it. 1 Malaysia rite?

2. Are such classes necessary?

Why not? You are learning your own religion anyway right? It teaches you moral values and the stories of your religion, so what's wrong with that? This is even more important now since moral values have been declining in society.

3. No need to have it in government school, you can do it at your religious centers.

Some may say that, but there must be a reason why religious classes are still being held in government schools for the Muslims despite the fact that they have their own religious centers and tuition outside of schools. Double dosage of religious classes perhaps? Besides, the "outside" religious classes are non compulsory and you can choose whether to send your child there or not. Regardless of that, your child will still get religious teachings at school even if you don't send them to such centers or tuition.

4. Every ideas must have NEGATIVE FEED BACKS

Some may argue why use government money to pay for such classes? Hey, aren't you being selfish? Others do pay taxes too you know.

Afraid the Muslim children might be influenced by other religion? Why do i think of this? Well, when i was in college, the Christian club would be very active in their activities and they will be giving out pamphlets to invite people to their activities. But there will be a disclaimer in the pamphlets stating Muslims are not allowed. Not that i'm interested with their activities but i was more interested with the disclaimer. What are you so afraid of? You think by showing a movie about Christianity the Muslims will be influenced by it? It simply shows how you have no faith in the strength of faith among your kind. As a protection? Well, i can understand that but if a person is in doubt, he would be asking around for answers and if you truly believe that what you believe in is right, you can answer those questions of doubts. This will even make you understand your religion better instead of following something blindly.

So i asked a friend what's with the disclaimer and she told me it's government policy. I guess she's right because you don't have non muslim religious channels on the tv and radio. That my dear friends, is what you call Christiano phobia. And you think the non muslims simply come up with such word to be over dramatic?

All these overly protection but yet you still hear many stories Muslims converting to other religion. Why does it still happen then?

Kindly don't think that i'm a hypocrite to my religion because i'm not. The facts present before me shows unfairness and i don't like it. If it's a strict policy that other religions can't practice their religion that freely, just be honest and say so instead of accusing them of wanting to convert the Muslims or having some other evil hidden agenda (because most of the time i hear this). There are instances where i do think some non muslim MIGHT have hidden agenda, like the use of "Allah". This i find more dangerous than having a a non Islamic religious channels on tv, radio or at schools.

Besides, the school's classes are far cheaper than the outside ones.

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