Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Again This Issue...


Ah, this issue again. Where a non muslim couple get married and later have children then one of the parent decides to convert to Islam quietly and later convert his/her children to Islam behind the partner's back.

Then the newly converted parent try to use Syariah law as a shield to make the conversion "legal". This kind of gimmick will only taint the image of Syariah law, as in beneficial to the Muslims but a detriment to the non Muslims. Is that what Syariah law is? In my opinion that's not Syariah law. It's unfortunate how the people behind Syariah law turn a blind eye on justice for the non muslim. And you think why a Non Muslim want to be a syariah lawyer? Coz the Muslims syariah lawyers seem to be biased when it comes to the non muslim's interest. But even that a non muslim is denied the right to be a syariah lawyer.

I'm in support with the proposed amended law which states that the child should professed the religion in which his parents professed when they were married. Unfortunately up until now the proposed amended law has not been enforced and implemented as a law.

Now, in regards to the article above, it's wrong for the newly converted husband to convert the children to Islam without the knowledge of the wife. Both husband and wife have equal rights on the children. What the husband can do is send the children to Islamic school so they can learn about Islam without having to convert (since the wife don't want the children to be converted). And once the children turn 18, with the Islamic knowledge that they have learned, they can choose whether to convert or not.

In such situation, the children should remain as Hindus because when the parents were married, both parents were Hindus. Now you see the importance if the amended law was implemented? Had the wife known that the husband is going to convert to be a Muslim, i'm sure she wouldn't have agreed to marry him.

There are so many cases like this. Secret conversion and the secret conversion of the children. It makes you think whether such people genuinely want to convert or to convert to irritate and annoy the partner. I don't want to be judgmental but nevertheless secret conversion of the children behind your partner's back is WRONG and UNFAIR to your partner.

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