Sunday, March 13, 2011

Guys that Don't Attract Me...

Since i'm bored and kindda pissed off, i'm gonna list down the kind of guys that i WILL NEVER EVER EVER WANT TO GO ON A DATE with :

1. Too soft. Act so girlish.
2. Obnoxious bastard.
3. Talk to a girl the way he talks to a guy a.k.a rude and rough.
4. Super Duper World Class Pervert.
5. Stares at women like a pervert.
6. Dull a.k.a doesn't talk much or simply can't give an opinion bout something.
7. Arrogant.
8. Inconsiderate.
9. Use bad words frequently.
10. Dirty and unhygienic.


  1. Here's an example of the cheatlist given by Aziah.

    1. AUW YOU...
    2. Walks around with his head way too high.
    3. Hos are like bros too.
    4. Constant staring.
    5. Again more constant staring.
    6. Blur.
    7. Power belongs to man and not woman.
    8. Same as number 7.
    9. &*^(^^$%*^&($%^$&^*(%&^#$%^%&*($%&$^*. You figure it out.
    10. Self explanatory.

    Thank you... How accurate was I? :p

  2. Ah, you have done well in DEMONSTRATING each and every characteristic :-p.. Give u 10 STARS for that :-p
