Saturday, March 12, 2011


Sometimes people lose their virginity for all the wrong reasons and one of the reasons which i can't accept is because the idea of being a virgin is not cool. Movies tend to give you the idea that being a virgin is not cool and it's pathetic. Like in The 40 Year Old Virgin, the character was being made fun of for being a virgin. But movies being movies, in the end they showed that although he had been a virgin for such a bloody long time, he eventually lost it to someone who he REALLY LOVES and who he MARRIED.

Then recently i watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy where the 28 year old Kapner (if i spelled it correctly) was being teased for being a virgin by her co workers who were bragging when they lost their virginity. So this indirectly tells you it ain't cool to be a virgin.

Today i watched an episode of Glee, also talking about sex where the issue is that too many teens are getting pregnant out of wedlock (a famous issue here in Malaysia too, together with baby dumping). So the high school have a CELIBACY CLUB with very few students participating in it (again showing how uncool not having sex is).

To have sex is basically your choice. Don't let others pressure you. There are pros and cons of it.

And since we are on this topic, it made me think about the VALUE of "VIRGINITY". I've heard of how some men just want to marry virgin girls despite the fact they themselves are NOT virgin. Is the assumption that a "virgin girl will make a good wife right"? It depends.

Virginity only last for a few seconds before the girl's hymen is being popped open. Sure the guy will appreciate the girl's virginity and think of himself as a stallion on bed with his "superb" past experiences with other women but if a virgin woman expect the man to APPRECIATE it GREATLY, then forget it. If she doesn't brush up on her sexual skills, then the guy will surely find another. And that's probably the time when the girl will regret keeping her virginity for the cheating bastard.

Just because you have sexual experiences, doesn't make you BETTER or COOLER than a virgin person. Besides, having sex out of wedlock is immoral, i don't see the point of bragging about it in the open.


  1. Popping someone = Bragging rights.

    Funny that people rarely champion the sweetness of losing it with the one you love you. rather than calling it as bragging rights.

  2. urgh, bragging rights? Why must some men think like that? They emphasized on how woman should be a virgin while they can be a man-slut. And society thinks its ok for MEN to sleep around, making men brag about it even more since they won't get condemned..

    Or perhaps losing it with someone you love is not that "manly" as sleeping with MANY WOMEN?

  3. Blame Sultans and Kings with their mistresses all over.

    Of course its not manly. Its purely a sissy, and those idiots take the word to heart so bad that it actually lasts so temporary and the guys who said it feel way too bad also.
