Friday, April 1, 2011

Dealing with Pregnant Women...

I think marriage and having children is one of my many fears. It's not easy to have and maintain these things. Yes, i've never been married, never been pregnant and never have any children of my own so what do i know about any of these things? Simply put it this way, must you try drugs to know that it's bad for you or the hallucination feels good but can cause brain damage? NO. Sometimes we learn from other people's experiences.

So there was this news where this pregnant woman was punched and kicked because her husband was annoyed with her pregnancy cravings. Yes, her husband shouldn't do that no matter how annoying the wife was but i couldn't help but feel that the wife was somehow 30% blamable. She was probably pestering and nagging him about her cravings and he just lost it.

There are STRONG and WEAK pregnant women. The strong ones hardly nags, whines and act like a victim 24/7. These strong ones don't let her pregnancy get into her way if she wants to do something, like work. While the weak ones will constantly nag and whine about her pregnancy and demands everyone around her to be her slaves and carter to her needs. Just because you are pregnant, it doesn't give you a license to be a bitch.

I'm pretty sure there are those who are currently pregnant but don't know what's POST NATAL DEPRESSION. I'm not pregnant but i know what it is. Every time you wanna do something, you THINK about it and you do RESEARCH about it. Like the consequences of getting pregnant. Don't simply go get yourself pregnant because your FERTILITY CLOCK tells you do so. Are you physically, financially and mentally prepared to be pregnant? As for the men, are you ready to deal with a pregnant woman?

As for some stupid men out there, you got your wife pregnant so just tolerate a few months of not able to have sex instead of complaining or having the urge to fool around with other women. And pregnant women, don't expect your men to understand and tolerate your needs that long. They say they don't mind waiting for the sex but in fact they MIND. Despite being pregnant, you need to be sensitive about your man's feelings and needs.

And that's why i'm not married because i don't think i'm ready to deal with any of this crap.

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