Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Power of Arrange Marriage

Well, i don't believe in arrange marriage UNLESS i have given up hope on dating and i don't care what kind of man i end up with provided that i get good reviews about him from those who recommend the marriage to him.

My prob with arrange marriage is that what happens when you get married to the guy and you realize you have NOTHING IN COMMON at all with him? How do you deal with his irritating habits? And what happens if you can never love him because arrange marriage is actually trying to make yourself love someone.

Some people say arrange marriage works. And i guess it works because :

1. You are the kind of person who let yourself "adapt" to another human. Means you try to accept who your partner is no matter what. Basically you don't really have high demands.

2. Because it's already a MARRIAGE, you have to FORCE yourself to MAKE THE RELATIONSHIP WORK. Marriage = commitment.

3. You can't be bothered who you end up with as long as the person shares your ultimate goal which is being married and having a family.

4. You want to make your parents happy so you will try your best to make the arranged marriage worked.

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