Friday, March 11, 2011

Mario Gave Me Awareness

Super Mario. If you don't know what is that, SHAME ON YOU. It's a video game featuring the cute adorable red plumber. It's my favorite game and that's the reason why i bought Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii..

So the other day i was playing The New Super Mario Bros, and i realized how careless i am. My Mario kept on dying on the same bloody spot and it was an easy task actually but i was TOO EAGER and IMPATIENT to proceed that i kept dying.

I've seen some people played Mario, they were calm and careful playing (or perhaps just NATURALLY THAT DAMN GOOD with the CONTROLS), perhaps only dying 1-3 times while i die more than 5 times.

So it made me realized that i am in fact IMPATIENT. A good and bad trait at the same time although most would think it's a BAD HABIT. Sometimes it can be a good trait, in the sense that i want to complete my assignment EARLY not because i want to be a teacher's pet but because i can't stand having PENDING WORK. And it's not good to do things last minute anyway.

And right now i'm practicing how to drive. It made me wonder whether i will be impatient on the road. It's a VERY BAD THING if im impatient on the road. With Mario, it seems like a made a lot of BAD JUDGMENT. Like i think i can jump, but the fact is i can't, so i died. So yes, i am kindda worried if i will make bad judgment on the road...


  1. I think its how you look at impatience. For me, I don't think you being unable to stand pending work is impatient. Rather, its annoyance. Then again, this is coming from a guy who was born to understand that impatience has always been a bad word. And now he knows very well it is to be understood instead. :P

    Take it easy. Things like Mario and driving is all about experience. Once it becomes autonomous and you have more confidence, i'm sure you'll get the hang of it. :D

  2. i think the only thing mario helped me to improve is my Cursings :-)...
