Friday, March 4, 2011

Being Mean in the Name of Religion

1. Chide : to express disapproval of; scold; reproach

2. Criticize : to censure or find fault with; judge unfavorably or harshly; to make judgments as to merits and faults

3. Insult : to treat or speak to insolently or with contemptuous rudeness; affront.

4. Condemn : to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure.

Some of the Muslims think it's A DUTY that when a fellow Muslim don't follow the teachings of Islam, they should be condemned or chided. I use "condemn" and "chide" because in Malay, they will call it "tegur" a.k.a "sebagai saudara Islam, kita patut tegur bile saudara Islam lain berbuat dosa".

They will never use the word "hina" because that would mean we ought to "insult" the sinner.

So i hope you know the difference between condemning and insulting because they are 2 VERY DIFFERENT THINGS.

It's ok to scold someone but not to demean or insult that person. You think that person would want to listen to you if you insulted him?

So yes, there are a bunch of Muslims in Malaysia who like to go around "scolding" other Muslims who don't behave like a proper Muslim. I experience this because i don't dress like an IDEAL MUSLIM.

I don't get pissed off if you tell me NICELY that i should change my attire, nor if you tell me i should start wearing a head cover.

But i do get pissed off when you INSULTED me by saying no man would want to marry someone like me (coz i don't dress like an ideal Muslim woman), or you say things like "Oh you think you are pretty dressing like that?" or when you say my dressing is like a hooker.

Im sure in Islam demeaning and insulting people is a sin. Because one shouldn't "mengaibkan" another person.

Im not a fan of the Prime Minister's wife, Rosmah Mansur because i couldn't care less about politics. But it really pisses me off when i see people INSULTING her for the mere fact that she's not wearing a head cover. And how these people insulted her? They insulted her appearance, calling her fat, short and whatever it is. Why, you think by calling her ugly you will get her to wear a bloody head cover?

Truly, if you think you are such a "perfect" Muslim, maybe you should look after your foul mouth you pretentious hypocrite. You can so easily fool someone with your decent "outer appearance".

And just because the issue involve religion, people think they can say whatever mean things about someone who don't follow the religion. Kindly RETHINK your method. Even the prophets don't preach and force people to embrace the religion via violence or by saying mean hurtful and humiliating things.


  1. Rosmah is meant to be a role model. She wouldn't be called as the First Lady. So if First Lady isn't doing it, the whole of Malaysia would be scrutinizing them.

    And remember, lets not mix culture with religion. It seems here the problem is the culture, never the religion.

  2. hmm i thought wearinga headcover is a religion thing though? She just didn't wear a headcover, she shouldn't be condemned that harshly. The way they condemn is simply wrong.

  3. Headcover is a very subjective thing on how people look at it. But yeah, i disagree with condemnation though.
