Friday, March 18, 2011

Companionship or Relationship

People think that when you are in a relationship, you should automatically get companionship. That's true but most of the time it doesn't happen that way. That's why sometimes there are people who say they are lonely although they have a partner. What's the difference between relationship and companionship?


We want it as a security. Relationship = obligation, loyalty, commitment, always there for you when you are up or down. When you choose to be in a relationship, there are A LOT OF EXPECTATIONS.

As a woman, what do i expect in a relationship? The guy to woo me, bring me out, pay for dates, be there for me when i need him, go to the extra mile for me, not to cheat behind my back, be committed, etc.

Marriage is a form of relationship too. So if i were to be married, i would expect the guy to be able to provide for the family. If he can't do so, what's the point of getting married? Don't tell me love conquers all. That's BS.

So what do men expect from a woman in a relationship? Since i'm NOT A MAN, this is what i THINK : for her to be committed only to him, be considerate, go to the extra mile for him, and many other stuff. And what does he expect from a woman in a MARRIAGE? Make sure the house is well taken care of and probably look after his family when he needs her help. Basically the wifely duties.


This is the EMOTIONAL part. You have a companionship if you are able to talk with the person (make decent conversations) and share stuff.

But there is also physical companionship. That's more to sex and fun. In some cases, the partner is not good at the sex department and hence, they go look for another person for sexual pleasure. Do people ever cheat and it DOESN'T INVOLVED SEX AT ALL?

So your partner cheats behind your back because :
a. You are boring in bed.
b. He/She is a horny bastard/bitch who can't get enough if have sex with just one person (this is not your fault).


People cheat because :
1. They feel lonely OR/AND
2. They feel horny.

Take marriage for example. Some women can be married to rich and successful man but deep down she feels lonely because the husband is always working and she thinks he has no time for her. There's NO COMPANIONSHIP.

Rich successful men probably cheat because they HAVE MONEY so they think they are POWERFUL and can get any CHEAP, PRETTY, WHORISH SKANKS. There are men who are not rich but cheat too. He's probably charming and a sweet talker with the women. There are some men who use their looks and hot bodies to score chicks (that's sooo prostitute like). So i just explained to you the many ways MEN CAN CHEAT.

But companionship alone is not good either since we are living in REALITY.
Reality = $$$.
Hence, the dramas you often see on tv where the girl is so totally in love with this cute but poor boy but the parents ask her to marry some rich guy.
Then you have the drug addicts story. Why in the hell does a woman marry a drug addict man?
1. Stupid.
2. Too in love with him.
3. Bloody hell stupid

But in terms of relationship wise, the man can never obviously provide for her since he's a drug addict. He's not even working. Or maybe we works but keep on changing his job so it's the woman who provides for the family.


You must have both companionship and relationship. Hard but possible.

If it's just relationship alone, you can end up being lonely and depressed or be a cheating bastard/bitch.

If it's companionship alone, don't expect any future i guess? Good luck to those who think you can live on love alone.


  1. I take it that your a woman by most of your comments? You can have either a realationship or companionship, it all depends on the maturity of the people involved. If your in a relationship for just what you can gain then your sunk before you start. The traditonal gender role are fading because men and women are competing for the top positions now and thus the attitudes concerning relationships and companionship must change.

  2. well if you can live on love alone good luck. how can one person work and the other person work and when one asked for help and get no for the answers. but come back in two days and needs the help. but because he will to work on his marrage and he give in but she still is a ungreartful butch just take
