Monday, March 14, 2011

Pig Flesh, Skin & DNA

So the above article says that using a pig's dna to make the capsule of a medicine is a NO NO. And it's not even halal.

I don't know about other Muslim countries but being a Malaysian, this is what i can tell you : most (or maybe some?) muslims find pigs and dogs disgusting animals just because the Al-Quran says they are HARAM. Let me illustrate how they find it disgusting (these are my personal experiences) :

1. I had a lecturer who is a Muslim who is very fond of collecting dolls that look like pigs. Strange but true. But i do have to admit that some pig dolls are cute but i will never get one though since im more obsessed with cat dolls. So i have a classmate who is a CONSERVATIVE MUSLIM. She's a real bitch actually because behind that image of wearing a headcover and talking about how to be a good Muslim wife and blah blah blah, she sweet talk to men to get them to pay for her top ups for her mobile phone. Yes, im bitching about her coz she bitched about me. Okay, let's continue before i get carried away with my anger. So this conservative bitch thinks that it's not right for the lecturer to keep those dolls, i think she even thinks it's disgusting. Come on, it's just a freaking doll stuffed with cottons. What's disgusting about it? The IMAGE ITSELF? This bitch has some grudge on this lecturer so she says that the lecturer's face looks like a pig.

2. Some Muslim will give you this weird look if you say you have a dog at home. I used to have a dog, and the purpose is for house security because there have been theft. The Quran just says that you can't touch a dog when it's wet. So is it wrong if i keep one to keep my house safe? Or even touch one when it's dry?

3. The lacked of compassion by some local authorities when it comes to shooting down stray dogs. Their disgust for dogs make them less compassion when they have to deal with dog matters.

Okay, enough with the examples. Now, a verse from the Quran regarding the consumption of pork which i quote from another site :

The verses that pork (i.e. swine flesh) is prohibited in the Quran are 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.

5:3. Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine, and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah. that which hath been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal; unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form); that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety. This day have those who reject faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not but fear Me. This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam (“submission in peace”) as your religion. But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression, Allah is indeed Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. (Quran 5:3)

This this article, it's interesting :


So is it wrong to be wearing a shoe made from the PIG SKIN?

Or to consume a medicine with the capsule made from PIG DNA?

Why is pork forbidden in Islam? Allah knows best and even science have proven that PORK is unhealthy.

But does PIG SKIN and PIG DNA pose a DANGER to our health? I doubt it. But people FEAR these things just because it's from a PIG. They have this MENTALITY that anything that comes from a pig, looks like pig, sounds like a pig are ALL HARAM when in fact the Quran only forbid the FLESH OF A PIG.

It's like i'm telling you not to go to One Utama Shopping Mall but you instead say that i said you can't go to ALL SHOPPING MALLS.

And it's ridiculous how some people make it sound so utterly disgusting to have something from a pig in your body. Let me quote some phrases from the 1st article :

1. Ini pula dibuat ubat, lagilah tak logik. Takanlah benda yang sebegitu haram boleh dijadikan ubat untuk menyembuhkan kita? Mungkin sembuh secara zahir tetapi batin semakin sakit sebab babi [yang haram] telah beranak-pinak dalam badan dan menjadikan kita tempat agen pembiakan dna babi pula. Sebab itu ada orang islam yang jahat mengalahkan syaitan sebab babi [yang haram] dalam badan dia lebih banyak dari babi [yang haram] dalam syaitan itu sendiri.

2. Sebab itu kalau lihat orang yang beriman mereka cukup menitikberatkan soal pemakanan yang halal. Sebab apa? Sebab ianya memang mempengaruhi setiap keputusan dalam kehidupan kita.Contohnya jenayah rogol orang islam, masalah sosial remaja muslim, merempit dan sebagainya, ini mempengaruhi.

Really? Pork make you become a better criminal? I can accept it if you were to say consuming pork will destroy your health but it has no whatsoever effect on determining what kind of human being you will become. That's attitude and mental problem. Some non muslims who consume pork have better characters than muslims who don't consume pork.

Some Muslims in Malaysia are definitely inconsiderate when they make statements on how disgusting pork is. I say inconsiderate because you are living in a country where there are non muslims who consume pork. So think about what you are saying. Can't you just say that consuming pork is forbidden instead of going on and on with your unrealistic facts on how consuming pork make you a very evil person.


  1. Hail modern muslim!

    That is the way to advance in the modern world or be left behind!

    I remember someone told me, the reason to why Piggy and Doggie is err.. "haram" as your example to the Mall, was because it is EASIER to avoid the whole thing. Easier on the mind i guess?


  2. Some muslims don't know how to be tolerant... Easier to avoid the whole thing? not even the right reason.
