Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Inviting the EX/ EX SCANDAL to your wedding

So, there was this story of a boy and girl who were engaged. One day the girl decided to break off the engagement by not meeting him but instead giving him back the engagement ring (pussy coward). One month later, the girl SENT A WEDDING INVITATION to the guy.


My answer is NO. Why?

1. My ex and and I are friends but nevertheless i don't think i should invite him because for me the whole idea is wrong despite the fact he's just an EX. There are friends, and exes-turned-friends. These are DIFFERENT KIND OF FRIENDS.

2. In case my ex turned crazy when he sees me and my partner, i don't want to take the RISK he might go amok on my wedding and disclose unnecessary info to my future family in laws or friends.

3. And inviting ex scandal to your wedding?! Are you RETARDED or something? Why don't you invite the stripper from your bachelor/bachelorette party?

4. Why waste money inviting unnecessary guests? Weddings should just involved people who you are close with, not invite every human being you KNOW.

5. Inviting the ex might hurt my current partner even though my partner might say it's ok. Hmm this made me wonder whether a person actually INFORMS his/her partner that he/she is inviting the ex. I DOUBT IT.

So far i have never received any wedding invitations from my ex. But one of my ex actually ask me will i go to his wedding if he invites me. I said hell no. As and EX, why wouldn't i go to his wedding even though there is nothing between us?

1. My friends and my exes-turned-friends are two different species. Friends have more priority than exes. If really friends and exes are just THE SAME, why call an ex "The Ex" instead of "The Friend". And if you label an ex a friend to your partner, and your partner later finds out he/she is in fact an ex, be prepared to face the wrath.

2. Im not a fan of weddings so when an ex invites me, i won't even give it any considerations. At least if a friend invited me, i will try my best to make it if i have nothing to do.

3. I think i've seen too many cases of exes-turned-friends that don't really work out that way. It's more like exes-turned-friends with benefits. Some people have affair with their exes after they are married.

And why do some bitchy whorish women do this to men? Break up with the bf then in a few months she's engaged with another man or going to get married? Was she having another bf while you are still her bf because a wedding in a few months?? That's too soon unless it's an arranged marriage? But the nerve of such woman to send her wedding invitation to the ex. If i was the man, i will curse that the marriage never works. Hmm perhaps that's why some of the marriages of married women sucks, because some did bad things to their exes. KARMA.

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