Thursday, March 24, 2011

Damn, i sound like a MEAN GLOOMY BITCH

I took a personality test and the website is

So my results came out as RLOEN, which is :

"moody, not spontaneous, planner, unadventurous, withdrawn, prioritizes physical security, not big on art, not open to new experiences, not wild and crazy, avoids unnecessary interaction, bothered by disorder, not impulsive, not physically affectionate with most people, averse to change, not big on fun, socially unskilled, risk averse, feels untalented, thinks before acting, avoids crowds, loner, uncomfortable in unfamiliar situations, lower energy level, not that interested in relationships, not big on public speaking, lonely, easily frightened, slow to forgive, suspicious of others, strict with self, not a comedian, prepares for worst case scenarios, not calm, organized, avoidant, not very inquisitive, feels unattractive, avoids small talk, quick to judge others, easily annoyed, close minded, tense, private, prefers organized to unpredictable, hard to get to know, insensitive to the needs of others, not known for generosity, attached to conventional ways, pessimistic, acts with ulterior motives, not interested in science, risk averse"

When i read the results, i can't help myself from smiling because somehow i think it's somewhat 60%-80% accurate.

And my HIGHEST SCORING character and PRIMARY TYPE is ORGANIZED which reads :

"more controlled than random, more logical than abstract, uncomfortable when things are imperfect, more grounded than in the clouds, overachiever, likes the security of working for a company, motivated, wants everything to add up perfectly, saves money instead of spending it, feels best when working, does not go to concerts frequently, feels success provides a good model/example for others, not a fan of political instability and revolution, /wants to be good, balanced, and have integrity; fears being corrupt, evil, or defective/, does not like to look weird, financially prudent, mature, prefers non fiction to fiction, not a big partier, values tradition, values hard work, anti-tattoos, purposeful, thinks of most things in terms of costs and benefits"

That's like 80% accurate.

And my JUNG personality is also similar, which resulted in ISTJ type which is :

"responsible, planner, private, loner tendencies, perfectionist, organized, detail oriented, organized, would rather be friendless than jobless, realistic, observer, clean, focused, does not talk about feelings, finisher, punctual, private, does not appreciate strangeness, not adventurous, not spontaneous, follows the rules, dutiful, avoids mistakes, conventional, likes solitude, insensitive to the hardships of others, prepared, anti-tattoos, things rules are important, cautious, security seeking, prepares for worst case scenarios, logical, analytical, does not accept apologies easily, hard working"

Again, like my blog says, not a pessimistic but a realist :-)....

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