Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forced, Pressured or Raped


Have a look at the article above.

Words... Sometimes they can be dangerous and misleading if the wrong term is used or there's NO EXPLANATION to it.

So, based on the articled above, "In over 50 letters, Jang alleged that she was made to offer sexual favours to prominent figures within the industry, as well as to heads and officials of private and media enterprises."

The title of the article above is titled "I was FORCED to sleep with 31 men" - Jang Ja Yeon.

So a friend of mine thinks that i'm not being sympathetic enough with this suicide victim who was "FORCED" to have sex. I basically don't really feel sorry for this woman because she killed herself and that she should have gone to the police instead of killing herself. So let me defend my LACKED OF SYMPATHY.

Forced, Pressured and Raped can mean different things. But forced and pressured are actually the same thing. Let me illustrate some of it.

1. I need money. So the easiest way to get money is to sell my body for sex in return for money. I don't want to do it and i feel disgusted doing it, but i feel the PRESSURE to do it. Hence i do it. I may even say i was "FORCED" to do it because people hardly use the term "pressured". Forced is a common word than pressured. Basically i can't say i was RAPED right?

2. I said i DON'T WANT to HAVE SEX and i don't care whether you pay me or not. But if you still insist to have sex with me, forced yourself on to me, then that's RAPE. Here, i didn't forced myself to be in such situation but instead the guy forced himself on me.

Unless you were raped, i won't really feel sorry for you. When you are pressured to do something, SOMETIMES you have a CHOICE NOT TO DO IT. Knowing the entertainment industry, wannabe female actresses,models or singers sometimes have to sleep around in order to get contracts or to be well known among famous people or agents. So this suicide victim said that she was FORCED to sleep with those men. She felt the pressure to do so because if she doesn't, she probably can't get any contracts. The situation forced her to sleep with those men and of course she doesn't like it and that lead to her depression which she eventually killed herself (i'm making an assumption from her letters).

Would u feel sorry for me if i told you that im selling my body to get money because i need to pay my bills? Honestly, if i was in such situation, i would keep quiet about it because i know it's the WRONG THING to do and that the other person is a SOB for making me do it but seeking for people's sympathy is the last thing on my mind.

And that is my explanation for my lacked of sympathy for such scenario.

P/s : forced doesn't necessarily means raped. If you were raped, then use the word RAPE. That's the reason why such word exist you know. You use rape, there can be no confusion.

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