Sunday, August 29, 2010

Response to the vid attacking Islam

I'm a normal average Muslim woman. I may not follow some of the teachings but my faith is always there. Islam is a religion of rational and logic, that's why my faith is still with this religion. And i thank God for blessing me with a brain that is able to think, understand and question logically.

I came across this degrading video where a man attacks and make fun of Islam. I was really pissed off by this video because it's filled with lies. Right now, i'm trying to control bad words from coming out from my mouth but i just want to say this is a brainless fat ass bastard. I'm attacking this person in his personal capacity and i'm not attacking the religion that he's currently profess to. I've always believe that people make the religion bad because any religion is not bad. It's our human nature (some of us at least), enjoy making fun of other religion and at the same time take pride in our religion. There's no problem in being proud of our religion, but we are not suppose to attack and use vulgar words about other religion, that's DISRESPECTFUL.

P/S : i just realized that i can't post the video here... it's only available on facebook...

So i'm gonna counter attack whatever this bastard said about Islam because i don't want any person who watches this video, get the wrong impression about Islam :

1. He converted out of Islam?

He said "kami org Melayu". So i presume that he is a Malay and used to be a Muslim so that means he converted out from Islam, a.k.a MURTAD. Aside from that, he can read al fatihah in arabic.

As you are aware of, those who converted out from Islam will have to be killed after warning him 3 times. I don't know whether this is stated in the Quran or otherwise but initially i think this was kindda harsh, does this mean Islam is forcing you to remain in the religion when you don't want to?

Over time, it came to me that some of these "murtads" can be dangerous people. Like this fat bastard for example. He converted out of Islam, started preaching about how Islam is fake or evil or whatever. He made fun of his previous religion. And whatever that is said by him are LIES. You degrade Islam with lies. And you don't think such people deserved to be killed?

Then the Lina Joy example. A Muslim who wanted to convert out and demand that her IC which shows she's "Islam" be removed. She went PUBLIC with this, attracting media. This is indirectly trying to tell other Muslims you can convert out of Islam and it's ok, just be brave in fighting those who oppose your conversion. First of all, if you want to convert, convert. Don't try to give ideas to people to convert and you give such idea by going public and thru media.

If really you don't want to be a Muslim, then don't do whatever a Muslim does. You don't have to pray like a Muslim, you don't have to believe in Allah, you don't have to tell people you are a Muslim if people asked. I'm not encouraging or telling people how to convert but if you want to save your sorry asses, don't go public. In addition to that, i don't see why you need to go public with your conversion and you know very well conversion out of Islam is wrong.

2. Al Fatiha

He said the al fatihah says "tunjukkan kami ke jalan yg lurus" a.k.a "show us the right path". His argument is that Prophet Muhammad read the same thing, so if he reads the same thing, and he doesn't know where is the right path, how can he lead the people? Truthfully, you don't have to be a Muslim to counter this argument. It's common sense.

Firstly, the Prophet Muhammad is like a normal human being like the rest of us, he eats, sleeps, breath and definitely pray to God. The difference is that he's gifted and he's chosen to be a Prophet and has a duty to guide the people to the right way.

Like i said earlier, he's a Muslim like the rest of us. He's not God. Of course he needs guidance from Allah too. He's not Mr Perfect because if he is, he don't have to submit himself to Allah. He's being H-U-M-B-L-E. All of us have to be humble and submissive to Allah. You are praying to God for him to always put you on the right path. Is that wrong? Again i tell you, we believe that Prophet Muhammad is a prophet and NOT A GOD.


He continues to attack Islam by saying Islam encourages "zina" when Prophet Muhammad can have up to 23 wives. He said "isterinya sampai 23". First of all, from what i've read, he has 12 wives. So where did this obese monkey get his facts? Did he simply want to make it 23 to make it sound MORE DRAMATIC, knowing very well the Prophet didn't have that many wives.

And he didn't marry all 12 together at one time because Islam only allows you to have 4 wives at the same time. I'm not gonna elaborate long on polygamy and briefly, this is what i want to say. He married old women, he married widowed women, he married some women for political reasons. Unlike Muslims men now a days, Prophet Muhammad didn't marry out of lust. While married to Khathidjah, he didn't marry another woman until she passed away. And that was like what, 20 years plus?


So the insults continue calling the Prophet a pedophile because he married Siti Aisyah when she was 6 years old. However, the marriage was only consummated when she was 9 or 10. Some said she was 15.

Some argue that women back then are matured and it's a norm to marry young. I don't know. But really, if he was a pedophile, all of his wives should be that young right? Why would he marry old women and widows? Really, i don't know how physically and mentally mature a woman can be when she's 10 years old back then.


"Bunuh satu orang Kristian, dpt .... di syurga". I couldn't hear the word he mentioned but basically he says if you kill a Christian, you are guaranteed heaven.

I have read some parts of the Al Quran. I can point you some parts when the Quran states have mercy on your enemy and threat your captives right but i've mentioned this in my previous blog. Killing is only justified when a person threatens Islam. Is it wrong to kill in the name of religion when someone wants to harm you and your religion?

Islam don't tell Muslims to simply kill the non believers. Only kill when they pose a threat. You would kill someone who threaten your family right? The unfortunate part is that some of those who commit Jihad now a days don't do it the right way. They kill innocent people. Thus this caused Islam to be looked as a religion that promotes terrorism. I have a lot of arguments on this but won't mention it here because it will make the blog longer. My previous blog entries have mentioned and justified this matter. I remember blogging bout this when some idiots attack and called Islam a religion of terror and supposedly show some verses in the Quran indicating Islam supports violence. What these evil people did is that, they only show you certain phrases of the Quran that may look like Islam support violence but had they shown the whole paragraph, it explains the justification and when can you only do it.


Muslims are not afraid of dogs. We don't look at dogs as disgusting creatures. However, i've come across some Muslims who are just being over dramatic with dogs, calling them "binatang jijik" a.k.a disgusting animals. Seriously, i don't know what's disgusting about dogs. Cockroaches are more disgusting.

We are not allowed to touch dogs when it's WET. That's the rule.


The guy go on to say that "pelita" needed to be lighted 7 days before Hari Raya, "Malam 7 Likur", "malam turun berkat". And without the lights, the angels can't see, so no blessings from the angels. What BS is this?

Again, i'm pretty sure the Al Quran didn't mention anything about "pelitas" because as far as i'm concern, the lighting of pelita is just a Malay tradition or culture. You want to make fun or tradition and culture? Traditions and cultures have weird activities or activities that may not seem reasonable and this is not just limited to the Malay. Every race has their own tradition and culture and whether it's weird or funny, that's subjective.

This is a question of tradition and culture, not religion. People these days gave mixed their traditions and cultures into religion and thus creating some kind of confusion. In Islam, we can continue our Malay culture as long as it's not against the teaching of Islam.


I'm not that sure about what are the practices or what people do when they do hajj, but maybe after this i shall ask my parents. So i can't argue much on this point.

The guy said that the black stone called Hajaru-l-Aswad, rudely saying it shapes like a "woman's vagina", is like some time of "reborn stone" where people put they head in and take it out and sins are forgiven. I copy and paste a part of an article i obtained fro wikipedia on this matter :

They attempt to kiss the Black Stone seven times, once for each circumambulation of the Kaaba, emulating the actions of Muhammad. In modern times, large crowds no longer make it practically possible for everyone to kiss the stone, so it is currently acceptable for pilgrims to simply point in the direction of the Stone on each of their circuits around the building. Some even say that the Stone is best considered simply as a marker, useful in keeping count of the ritual circumambulations (tawaf) one has performed. Its black colour is deemed to symbolise the essential spiritual virtue of detachment and poverty for God (faqr) and the extinction of ego required to progress towards God (qalb).

This is what i know : Your sins are not forgiven by doing some kind of rubbish acts. it's up to Allah to forgive or not to forgive you because only Him can see what's truly in your heart. You can doing an act where people tell you if you do it, your sins will be washed away but that doesn't mean your heart is clean or you genuinely repent.


Sometimes there are Muslims who do things which Islam in fact didn't ask them to do. But they think if they do something EXTRA, it will be better. So they add in a few things, thinking oh, if i do that, i get more blessing or if i do this longer, God will love me more. Some Muslims simply go over broad, like jihad being given the image of terrorism.

Another example is "Purda", the thing where you cover your whole face except for your eyes. It's unnecessary and Islam never require you to do that. The purda is a culture doing. Islam is not that restrictive. That's what happens when you blend culture with religion, it tends to become something else, something that might be even more difficult to do, or something that may look ridiculous.

So if you don't understand Islam, don't simply accused Islam having crazy and illogical practices. And really, use your bloody head to think before you choose to say something.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Nudity as Art


"This year, the Miss Universe pageant is using photos of contestants, including Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih, in nothing but body paint to promote the August 23 event, and it has one former pageant organizer crying foul.

Angie Meyer, described as a "former pageant-organization worker," expressed her dismay with the photos to Fox News: "It's alarming that this has been turned into a Playboy-esque masquerade, she said. "By implementing topless photos as part of the pageant process, they're putting applicants in an extremely compromising position."

I quote above from Yahoo News. And i agree with Angie Meyer. This is just a cheap publicity stunt to attract more viewers.

What's the purpose of beauty pageants anyway?

1. To celebrate beauty?

More like celebrating fake beauty especially with all those make up. Beauty is not suppose to be measured with the amount of make up you have on your face nor how good your make up skills are.

And i don't know if plastic surgery is permitted. If it's permitted, then this is not a contest of natural beauty and there's no appreciation of such beauty.

2. To celebrate the intelligence of women?

I suggest so because you have to be kindda smart, like being aware of current news and be able to carry yourself well, professionally and intellectually. If not, the contestants wouldn't be asked questions on current affairs in the competition.

And being able to answer well is a requirement.

Besides, the work of the beauty pageant after declared a winner is that she needs to go around the world helping the poor and helpless and at the same time looking pretty.

Then there's a defence to this whole topless pictures.People claim nudity is a form of art, that human bodies are beautiful. Yes, i do think human bodies are beautiful and some nudity can be considered art such as drawings, photographs or sculptures but the topless body paint pictures of the beauty contestants don't really scream art... It's like they are using it as an excuse to justify topless pictures. Again, lame cheap publicity to get the ratings of the show up.

"The Miss Universe organization, which is co-run by the Trump Organization and NBC, says they arranged the Las Vegas photo shoot to celebrate the diversity of this year's contestants. In a statement to Yahoo!, Lark-Marie Anton, vice president of marketing and public relations for pageant, defended the promotion: "The contestants who compete at Miss Universe are diverse, as they represent more than 82 countries around the globe. Many of their cultures embrace nudity," she said."

Many of their cultures embrace nudity? Seriously? Why don't you allow nudist to walk around in the street? In the nudist's defence he can claim it's a form of art and it's acceptable to their culture or whatever.

People are not stupid. Taking semi nude pictures for contest or tv shows is a scheme to attract more viewers. They are so many other kind of photography art but why nude body painting? And this is a beauty pageant contest, artistic photography is not a requirement.

Suppression and Oppression of the Minority Religion...

This blog entry is written in response to an article which can be found at

It's about the oppression and suppression in religion faced by the minority in Malaysia. As we are well aware of, Islam is the majority's religion. The author wrote an interesting piece but i would say i disagree with her in many aspects.


Headlines and blogs now a days seems to show Muslims are always associated with terrorism, intolerance and supporting harsh punishments. That, it is not a religion of love and forgiving. That Muslim emphasized on harsh punishments way too much. Like yesterday, i was reading a blog where the author condemned Sharizat for supporting the death punishment for those who dump babies resulting in the baby's death. The author questions why are the Muslims sooooo keen on the death penalty. As if they are thirsty for blood. Below i copy and paste a portion of that blog entry :

"I am not surprised that Shahrizat could say something like this because Shahrizat is a Muslim. Muslims around the world are well known for suggesting and carrying out terrible punishments against their fellow human beings. In Iran they are now on the verge of stoning a woman to death. In Saudi Arabia they behead people in public on Fridays. Also in Iran they have thrown liwat fellows out of helicopters in the air. In Taliban Afghanistan they used a tank to push a wall over some liwat fellows. In Malaysia our khalwat goons have caused the death of many young people who jumped off balconies and windows while trying to escape from them. Only Muslims are capable of doing things like this and then defend it too". The full version is at

I don't know whether the Quran did state such punishments or the Muslims made up this punishments. But to throw people of the helicopter for liwat is too much. I would say stoning for adultry is too much too but if the Quran clearly says that's the punishment, i have no say then. It's God's law. It will override human law.

But i support death penalty for baby dumping is not because i'm a Muslim and i have a thirst for blood but i believe in the principle an eye for an eye when it comes to MURDER. The Westerns have come up with the idea that death penalty is inhuman, it's against Human Rights and thus death penalty should be banned and replaced with other punishments like life imprisonment. For them (most of them anyway), countries who carry out death penalty are "bad countries". I say MIND YOUR BUSINESS. Promoting freedom and being compassionate the whole time is not always a good thing.

In Malaysia, there are all kinds of Muslims, hardcore, moderate and liberal. the hardcore ones can be difficult to handle with because they can be insensitive to other religions. I've met these kind of people before and they are not pleasant. i know you love your religion but you have no right to insult other people's religion.

Islam and other Muslims get bad image because of these kind of people. Look at that stupid Osama bin Laden. He shouldn't have organised that September 11 attack because that is soooo not jihad. You killed innocent lives. In addition to that, he made Islam well known internationally as a religion of terrorism that supports the killing of non Muslims. This is what happens when you use violence.


Some non Muslims in Malaysia claimed that they are being oppressed by not being allowed to built place of worship as much as the amount of mosque being built. This was one of the issues being brought up in the article mentioned above.

This involved politics. I'm not sure what are the requirements you need to comply with in order for the relevant authorities to allow you to build a place of worship. Do the government really just give permission without consideration if it INVOLVED building of a mosque and will give deep consideration and be more reluctant instead if it involved building other place of worship?

Logically, there would be more mosques because there are more Muslims. And you need to build a lot "suraus" and mosques because Muslims pray 5 times a day and the availability of suraus make it easier for Muslims to pray whenever they are traveling. Muslims need to be on time to catch their daily prayers and that's why you need to have these many convenient suraus and mosques.

A place of worship should be allowed to be built, regardless whether it's a mosque, church or temple if there's empty land available and it's a necessity due to the fact there are a number of people professing to that religion and the next place of worship is too far to travel to. You don't built place of worship to compete with other religion as to the amount of place of worships that you manage to built. That's utterly childish and stupid. You built one out of necessity. Sometimes i find the religions in Malaysia are in conflict with one another because they want to compete who are the best in everything and they want to compete who have the most followers. That's CRAP.

I'm pretty sure countries like France, US and UK don't have that many mosques and suraus either since the majority religion isn't Islam.


Do you really have that problem in Malaysia? My former college have a few non Muslim religious societies. Of course when they give out pamphlets to promote their activities there will be disclaimer that it's NOT FOR MUSLIMS. What's with the disclaimer? The objective is to protect the Muslim community. Personally for me it's unnecessary because if you understand your religion well and your faith is strong, you won't fear going to other religion's activities. The disclaimer is to prevent Muslims from being converted. Don't tell me just by watching something or witnessing other religion's rituals and activities you can be converted? If you can be converted because of this, your faith is really weak. I mean you can convert, it's your freedom but people convert because they THINK and QUESTION the essence of their religion and other religion and not convert just because some kind of miracle happened to them. For all you know that can be the devil's work.

That's why the best conversion is one where you don't have to persuade other people as to the greatness of your religion and the miracles that happened but a meaningful conversion is one where a person takes the initiative to learn about another religion and ask around about the religion to get a better idea of it and in the end it is for him to decide whether he wants to remain in his religion or convert after considering many things.


The author also pointed this out :

"In some schools, doa (Muslim prayer) is recited weekly during assembly. However, if a Christian, Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist prayer were ever recited in a gathering where Malay pupils are present, there will be uproar."

During my primary school days, i went to a CONVENT school. There would be a lot of Christian activities since the majority are Christians while the Muslims would remain in class. There was no issue with this this and i don't have a problem with it. Then when i entered secondary school, it was vice versa because majority are Malays and Muslim so you have to participate in Muslim activities while the non Muslims can do their own stuff.

If majority are of a certain religion, then let they do their thing while the minority to their thing. I remembered once where majority are Malays and then we have to pray for a student dead relative. The Muslims and Non Muslims were told to take a moment of silence and to pray for the deceased.

There are some national schools that may be overly Islamic to the extend that they ban the wearing of cross. Some national school even make and force you to wear head covers. I had a problem with this because the last time i checked, i didn't register in a ISLAMIC SCHOOL. I was studying in matriculation before. I read the regulations and it says the wearing of head covers are ENCOURAGED, not compulsory. But on my first day of orientation, the senior asked me why i'm not wearing a head cover and she starts to blah blah blah religiously.I know this kind of people meant well but things shouldn't be forced. A person can still be wearing a head cover and work part time as a prostitute. That's what happened when you forced people to do something. You know, sometimes things are not compulsory but some idiots have the urge to make it compulsory. In situation like this, a formal complaint should be lodged against the school itself and not to make an attack on the race or religion of that person.


A portion of the article states this :

"On the other hand, other religions are suppressed. One infamous incident occurred in 2004 at Christmas where the Selangor Sultan and assorted cabinet ministers were invited guests. At this official function, hymns mentioning Jesus could not be sung."

That Christmas incident is not tolerable. That's the problem with some Muslims, sometimes we simply give others reason to attack us over such a SMALL MATTER. What's wrong if the Christians want to sing about their God? It's a Christian event after all. Might as well you don't attend if they are not allowed to do their very own religious activity at their own special event. Do Muslims think they will be converted the moment they hear these hymns on Jesus? Seriously? Why are you afraid of these hymns? I'm being sarcastic here because i don't see any reasonable reason why you prevent the singing of the hymns mentioning Jesus on a Christmas event?


I don't think the minority religion are being suppressed that much except for some incidents. I've explained about the building of places of worships. There is no ban on non Muslim religious society in Malaysia. Schools that confiscate things that symbolises other religion are isolated incidents, lodged a complaint against that school itself instead of making it sound as if majority of the schools in Malaysia do that.

Then there was a big issue with the use of "Allah", even with that incident people want to attack the Muslims. How can you not blame the Muslims for being offended and suspicious? All of a sudden you want to use the term Allah? In English religious publications you can use the term Allah but you didn't. In Malay version too you very seldom used Allah. I said seldom because when i was 13, i came across a Malay version of a bible that uses the term Allah. This was in Sabah. I never heard my Christian friends use the term Allah. Why can't you just use the term "Tuhan"?

We could settle this diplomatically with reasonable explanation. Why can't you tolerate with the use of "Tuhan" instead? I wonder if you were to hymn in Malay you would use the word Allah? If majority of the Malay version of bibles used the word Tuhan since before, then it's only reasonable to stick to Tuhan.

I'm not biased when it comes to religion. I admit, certain decisions made by Muslims are unacceptable and illogical, like the Christmas incident not allowing hymn on Jesus. I wasn't even aware of the incident, perhaps because i was young and don't care about current events. i condemned the act of butchering the cow's head and throwing it at the Temple and torching of the churches. These offenders should get severe punishment because these acts create racial tension.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Horror Obssession

I like the colour pink. I like cute fluffy animals. I wear high heels. And i like HORROR, especially gore and blood. Not the exact perfect image of a girl who loves horror movie. My horror passion started when i was young. Remember the days when you rent videos? I always rent horror movies. What about horror movies that i like so much? The feeling of being terrified is exciting.

I was watching Halloween. It seems a lot of people think this is one of the best horror movies. Not for me. Maybe because this was a 70's horror movie, the time where people are still experimenting with horror movies. And perhaps during that time it's a trend where everyone enjoy watching a horror/thriller movie where there's a psychotic killer lurking in the dark for his victims, killing them off one by one. *yawn*... not my kind of horror movie.

There are many kinds of horror movies, let me list a few :

1. Demon Possession

The most famous demon possession type horror movie is The Exorcist. I'm not a fan of demon possession but The Exorcist is one of my favourite horror movie. Cool and scary special effects. And it's not your typical boring demon possession kind of movie. The Omen is another movie within this category. It's boring. Nothing horrific.


2. Slasher flick

This is where psycho killer go around killing people with a piece of knife. Again, this is not my kind of horror movie. The plot for every slasher flicks are pretty much the same, you have a bunch of friends being killed off one by one. "Bimbo" couples having sex or nude scene will be killed off first until the hero/heroin remains. Halloween, Scream and Friday the 13th are your kind of slasher flicks. But the latest Friday the 13th (2009) movie remake was quite good and to my liking because there's a lot of hardcore gore. Even the latest Halloween movie, Halloween H20 was also to my liking because of the gore scenes. The older versions aren't really into gore and more into frightening rather than making disgusting scenes. And the killers where MASKS because supposedly they have disfigured faces, not because they are shy. I suppose the masks are suppose to make them more scary.




Kindda hard to explain this category but it's basically killers that have supernatural ability to kill his victims. Like Freddy Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street who haunts people through their dreams and he can kill you in his dream. He's my favourite horror! Then you have Hellraiser, a bunch of mean looking killers with demonic or satanic elements. They kill their victims by torturing them and turning them into horrible looking beings. I like this kind of horror, more blood and gore.



Vampires and werewolves these days are sooooooo overrated no thanks to Twilight. And what's with people and the combination of vampires and werewolf. The concept is getting old and irritating. Van Helsing, Underworld, Twilight are among the many movies that concentrate on vampires and werewolves. Of course there are other movies which just concentrate on the concept of vampire OR werewolf alone. This kind of horror is not my thing either because they don't kill their victims violently. Vampires uses their sexuality to capture their victim while werewolf i guess rip their victims apart? But i've never seen violent vampire or werewolf movies before. Maybe because i hardly watch such movies. BORING. But True Blood is the one and only best drama for vampire and werewolf.


I've seen wayyyyyy too many zombie movies that i'm getting bored watching it. Some zombie movies are good, but some are simply stupid and boring. Stupid and boring are those where the zombies suddenly developed super human strength, can outsmart humans and can run faster than Usain Bolt. It defeats the very essence of zombies actually, which is they are suppose to be dead, slow walking and stupid beings a.k.a the walking dead and not the running dead. However the exception to all this is the movie RESIDENT EVIL (all sequels) because besides having zombies, they have other interesting scary looking creatures. Plus they have great fight scenes since the main character is a strong woman that kick ass.


This kind of horror movie involve a lot of disgusting scenes like limbs get chopped off, blood spurting and splashing every where, sick and disgusting killing methods. Not for squeamish people. Movies like this are SAW, Hostel, Descent 1 and 2, Wrong Turn, The Hills have Eyes and many others. A lot of violence are involved. My favourite kind of horror :-)... Simply for entertainment. To appreciate such movie, there must be a good storyline and good and creative killing methods. Yes, it's sickening. OOOh i almost forgot about Long Khong a.k.a Art of the Devil 1, 2 and 3. It's one of the best disgusting bloody asian horror movie.


Korean are the best in making asian kind horror movies. Asian horror movies involved a woman with long hair seeking revenge due to the fact she's unhappy with something. This is my favourite horror type of movie but sometimes it can get boring if it has a very typical plot. Very rare good scary ones. Ghosts crawling slowly is no longer that scary because there are simply too many ghosts crawling around. A piece of advise to asian horror directors --> do come up with a new way how ghosts are suppose to approach their victims. Thai horror movies are also good but their special effects are ridiculous. Not up to the standard and can look pretty fake if they rely too much on it. Among the best Thai horror movies : Shutter, Alone, Bhuparahtree and some funny horror Thai movies which i can't remember the title.


I like horror movies that involved dolls. It's scary. When i was young, after watching Chucky, i became afraid of dolls like him, the ones that are as big as babies or toddlers with big glassy eyes. My aunt gave me a doll that look similar like Chucky in height and size and it can record your voice and play it over. It scared the daylights out of me, i kept it in the store room, never playing with it. Unfortunately, not many horror movies venture into dolls. God only knows why. Dead Silence is another good horror movies that involved puppets.


P/s : i'm blogging about horror movies 2 30 am in the morning. It scared me a lil to look at the female ghosts pictures that i posted...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Possible Solutions to Baby Dumping

Cases of baby dumping are on the rise in Malaysia, thus many authorities try to find the solution to overcome this sickening problem. I was reading an article in yesterday's paper in NST where the Malacca Islamic Religious Council has agreed male Muslims below 18 and female Muslims below 16 to wed provided there's permission from Syariah court and the parents.

Why do people get married? I give you some of the reasons :

1. Prevent out of wedlock sexual intercourse and out of wedlock pregnancy since it's immoral and sinful.
2. Undying love for each other.
3. Financially stable to get married.
4. Ready to build a family.
5. And many more reasons.

So you get married if you have the financial means, you find someone you love and you are ready to settle down.

There are those who think that it's better just to get married to prevent social illness like sex out of wedlock. Not much consideration is given whether those who are about to get married get a proper picture what marriage is all about. They don't think about this because they are driven by lust.

Of course it's good to get married to prevent social illness but the downside to this is that when people don't fully understand the concept of marriage get married, that's when all the marriage problem will arise like infidelity or early divorces.

18 year old boys getting married... do they have the financial means to look after a wife and a child without the help of his parents? he just finished secondary school for crying out loud and isn't this the time for him to get a degree? Then when he has a child with his wife, they will dump the child with the parents while the two of them will go to work to earn money. Or the two can be married without having a child and can still continue with marriage? This would be the better and acceptable scenario but it's hardly the case. Only those who are careful with their future will not get pregnant at such an early age. Then again, baby dumping and pregnancy out of wedlock won't happen if the parties were smart and careful right?

Unwanted pregnancies happen because people are NOT CAREFUL and they don't use their brains to think by taking measures to prevent such thing from happening. The least you can do is have safe sex.

Thus, i still believe providing SEX EDUCATION is the better method to give rise to awareness, unless the people are too stupid and ignorant to care.

And shouldn't abortion be cheaper than the cost of having to raise a baby? And you rather kill an innocent life by letting it fully developed only to kill it later by dumping the baby in the open compare to aborting it at an early stage? If you are gonna be evil, be the better evil and choose abortion.

My idea is all about giving awareness to those who might not be totally aware about sex and the consequences aside from only being aware of how fun it is until the baby pops out.

Compliments and Criticisms

They say that if you have nothing nice to say, then you better just shut up. That's one of my principles in life among my many other principles.

It's human nature that we like to hear compliments and not criticisms. We become proud and happy if we received compliments and upset if we are being criticized. Sometimes, criticism is necessary especially when you are working or studying because we need to produce good results or work. Without criticism, you won't be able to better yourself when there's a need for you to better yourself.

However, there are some people who like to criticized unnecessarily. The possible reasons why people criticized you unnecessarily :

1. they naturally don't like you.
2. they feel better if they criticized you.
3. they simply have a foul mouth and are insensitive beings.
4. they THINK they are doing it for your own good. But you DON'T THINK so.

Being commented you are fat or you gained weight is a common thing in society. General rule, being called fat is a criticism. While being called skinny, thin, slim is a compliment and when someone say you lose weight it's also a compliment provided you are not sick or a drug addict. That's what you get living in a SUPERFICIAL society.

My question : why do you need to tell someone that he/she gained weight or is fat? WHY?! Are you concern about his health? Gaining slight weight doesn't mean you are doomed for diabetes or heart attack. Skinny people do get heart attack you know.

Some say they comment such thing because they think the other person DON'T REALIZED his physical flaw. Excuse me, the other person sees his naked body in front of the mirror everyday and you think he doesn't know what flaw his body has?

It's not just about weight but sometimes people comment why don't you get your eyebrows trimmed, it looks hideous. Or your hair is horrible, etc etc... The main thing is that people like to comment about PHYSICAL APPEARANCE. Isn't everyone entitled to their very own choice of physical appearance? Not everyone is into looking perfect or plastic or fake.

Another unnecessary critical comment is skin complexion like your are getting darker or you are having pimple break out or whatever it is.

If you are happy with the way you look, why should you change yourself just because someone tell or suggest you to change?

People are so obsessed with looks and if you don't follow the typical-what-society want look, you will be criticized. Like in Malaysia, especially in the Malay community, the typical beauty is being FAIR, SLIM and HEAVY DUTY MAKEUP. This is what i observed anyway.

I don't hear people commenting "Oh, you are so STUPID!" or "Oh, you are so POOR!", but noooo, it's a must to comment on physical appearance. It's like they will die if they don't comment your physical flaw.

Don't comment unless you were asked to comment. Some people are simply happy with the way they look and they don't need some person to lower their self esteem just because he/she doesn't have the ideal look. And if you do want to be commented, be prepared for the worst answer. Who ask you to ask anyway.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Invasion of Privacy and Traps

Scenario 1 : A woman hire another woman to seduce her male partner in order to TEST his loyalty. Should the guy be pissed off when the woman do such thing? Of course if he didn't fall for the trap he would be angry because he thinks the woman doesn't trust him. But if he fell for the trap, then he can't be angry because his partner would have kill him for his infidelity.

Scenario 2 : a common one actually, this is when a partner checks his/her partner's phone WITHOUT PERMISSION. Or reads his diary, or do a check up on his lap top, social networking etc, WITHOUT PERMISSION. There are some relationship where the partner check each other phones. If you don't show your phone, there's an IMPLIED PRESUMPTION that you are hiding something. Then again, if you know your partner is very obsessed with checking your stuff, you will master the talent of hiding your secrets pretty well. Come on, people who are married and living under the SAME BLOODY ROOF can have affairs, what more mere non married couples? As the saying goes, "when there's a will, there's a way".

Personally for me, i don't like it when my partner checks my stuff. It's an invasion of privacy. If you think you can explore my phone because you have the status of a bf or husband, why don't i just shove my diary at your face? I might have something to hide, i might NOT have something to hide, i have my reasons but it definitely doesn't involve having another lover. If i don't love you, i will simply break up with you instead of continuing the failing relationship. the rule of breaking up is simple, you break up because you want to be with another person and the break up is a necessity for you to be able to go out with another person without being accused of cheating. So if someone ask for a break up, just give it to them, to beg to rethink the matter. Why do you want to be with someone who doesn't have the intention to be with you? Okay, i'm running away from the main topic that i'm suppose to discuss about.

Whatever it is, i believe you don't have to be a busybody to find out the truth by invading people's privacy. I'll tell you a REAL INCIDENT that happened. This woman suspects her husband was cheating. She checks his phone without his permission, and go through his bills. Sure when she checks her husband's phone there were flirty messages from other women but there were no reply messages from the husband and perhaps even if they were, it was not flirty. So she became very upset that the husband was being friends with such flirtatious women. pretty normal, who doesn't get jealous? But she has no proof that the husband was having affairs. She only rumors and see flirty text messages from other women. The husband on the other hand, couldn't be bothered to check her phone. He never invade her privacy. But the husband eventually caught that the wife was CHEATING behind his back without ever having to invade her privacy. There were some indications she was cheating but the husband just asked her a simple question whether she cheated. Perhaps she was scared, but she admitted. And later more concrete proof surfaced.

What i'm trying to tell you is that the squirrel can hop from one tree to another perfectly without falling but eventually it will fall. Sorry, i translated that literally from Malay :-p. "Sepandai pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga". Cheat all you want but one day you will get caught due to your carelessness. Perhaps it's God's power to show your partner your cheating without your partner having to go through your stuff to see whether you are having affair.

Trust is an important thing in a relationship. If you can't trust, don't be in a relationship. The habit of accusing your partner of having affair when it's not true will only irritate your partner. It will eventually lead to a broken relationship. I think my bad habit when i'm in a relationship is JEALOUSY. I won't accuse my partner of cheating but i will bitch any woman who my partner seem to "like", that would include celebrities :-D...

Scenario 3 : this is more of a legal matter in relation to entrapment. This is when the police secretly use devices or set traps to catch offenders. Like putting up a listening device to record conversations that might be prejudicial to the offender. The issue is whether such evidence will be admissible since the device was secretly located at the offender's house. Of course in a public area there won't be an issue. Cases have shown such evidence is admissible even though it was obtained "improperly". Some seem to think the manner in which the evidence was obtained was irrelevant, what matters most is that the evidence is RELEVANT. On the other hand, some would think it's against the Human Rights.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Love in the Time of Cholera

'Love in the Time of Cholera' is a nice movie. I just watched it yesterday on Astro. It's a drama movie, not really a romantic movie. But i just love the name of the title, it sounds soooo catchy and dramatic.

It has an interesting storyline. I missed the first 20 minutes because by the time i switched on the channel, it has started playing. Anyway, if you plan to watch the movie, better don't read this entry coz i'm gonna tell everything. But let me give you a brief REVIEW : it's about a man's undying love to a woman. He waited 53 years plus just to be with her because she married another man. But while still being obsessed with the woman, he sleeps around with many women a.k.a 600 WOMEN.

Javier Bardam is a very good actor. He played the old character well. His character in the movie is kindda weird and eccentric. He was obsessed with LOVE. He loved the one woman who rejected him. He kept track of her, always thinking of her. But at the same time, he's so lustful and he keeps a record of the various women he sleeps with which reaches up to 600 by the time he was in his 70's.

The woman on the other hand remained faithfully to her husband. But there was a time when her husband had an affair with his patient (he's a doctor). He begs for her forgiveness. She forgave him and remained with him until he died.

What's so interesting about this movie is that it captures a lot of about love. There are so many nice quotations from the movie but i just forgot about it. Example, like the woman's husband saying that STABILITY is important in a marriage. He didn't seem to think love was important.

But i still can't accept the fact that you can sleep with so many women and yet remain true to the one that you truly loved. But that is the exact scenario in real life.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Something About Polygamy

I think by now, with my many blog entries on polygamy, i can make a THESIS out of it. A recent "case" of polygamy which i heard of is that this guy's 2nd wife was from the SAME OFFICE as his first wife. But it seems the 1st wife knew of the 2nd wife's existence. Seriously, from the SAME OFFICE??? If i was the 1st wife, that would be like a slap to my face. That's like your husband marrying your best friend or whatever. I'm not sure whether the 2 wives were close co workers. Anyway, hearing this scenario of polygamy, it made me analysed the whole concept of polygamy.

If you were the 2nd, 3rd or 4th wife, wouldn't you be considered as a HUSBAND STEALER? I know that may sound harsh but isn't that a FACT? You KNEW the guy was married but you continued the relationship anyway. This of course doesn't apply to women who DIDN'T know the guy was married until she was married to him. I'm talking about women who KNEW the guy was married.

Some of the DEFENCES which the subsequent wife might bring up is that the first wife was EVIL and doesn't make the husband happy. Then why didn't the husband have any balls to divorce the wife if she was so horrid? Of course the excuse would be "the marriage need to be maintained for the sake of the children".

There are no issues if the first wife gives her consent to the subsequent marriages. Some women are simply too happy to share i guess. What kind of a woman is this? But i believe such kind do exist since i do know some girls who insist on keeping her bf despite knowing the fact he's sleeping around with other girls.

Another thing about polygamy is that why don't the guy just have more than 1 gf before he gets married. Eventually he can marry the rest of his gfs.

Can you be angry at a MARRIED MAN who flirts around with other women? He's entitled to polygamy anyway. Perhaps that's why married men don't feel the slightest guilt when they flirt around with other women because he knows he has "3 other wives vacancy" to be filled.