Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So recently my house was broken into. The motherf*cker thieves stole my laptop, my whole collection of watches and some of my necklaces. My laptop was still new, just 5 months because previously my old laptop was also stolen (that's another f*cked up incident).

So how did these motherf*ckers do it?

They cut through the "telinga" of the house grill. By doing so, they need not cut through the padlock.

Then the f*ckers destroyed my door :

And they ransacked my bedroom :

This is a CONDO. The monthly maintenance is EXPENSIVE. How do you know expect me to be damn pissed off? I'm not really angry with the management office but i'm damn pissed off at the thieves for making me go through this. I WISH DEATH UPON THEM!

My principle is straight forward SIMPLE. If you don't make my life a living hell, i won't make yours a living hell either.

It's moments like this i wish i know the art of black magic (watch Long Khong (Art of the Devil).

And it further pisses me off when i see these motherf*cker culprits in the CCTV. For the time being, the management haven't released a hardcopy of the footage of the of the CCTV but once i get it, all hell will break lose.

I think i'm kindda traumatized by this incident. I can't trust the security of the condo until they do something about it. Why this whole mess happen is also due to their negligence. That's what happens when u take something for granted. I know it's not entirely the security's fault but i expect some form of compensation since i'm paying the maintenance at a high price.

There's also a possibility that the tenant/resident of my block is involved since it seems like they do know when i'm in and when i'm out. It took them 15 mins to break into my house during broad DAYLIGHT. 5%$4$*!

Sometimes i feel depressed when the image of my room being ransacked suddenly popped in my mind.

I curse all the thieves involved in this incident. I wish them a slow terrible painful death and the same to their generation of family. Always remember your family before doing something BAD to another human being. Don't expect me to be kind and merciful when you make my life a living hell.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Victim of Cirmcustances

Remember there was a bedtime story for children about "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" (i hope i got the title right). Basically it's about a boy who was looking after his sheep (i think he's a shepherd). He's a prankster actually. So one day, to entertain his boredom, he simply called out for help that there is a wolf attacking his sheep. So the villagers came to help but only to found out it was just a prank. The shepherd had a good laugh.

He did that the second time AGAIN. At this point, the villagers were pretty annoyed.

Then on the third occasion, a WOLF actually came and he cried out for help and nobody bothered to come because they think it's just another prank by the shepherd. So one of the sheep died.

Moral of the story : don't be an irritating prankster.

Okay, the real moral of the story is that once you LIE, nobody will really believe you. People's trust in you will deteriorate with every lie you made. And when you actually tell the TRUTH, nobody will actually believe you. And you only have yourself to blame for that.

I'm retelling you this story is because when it comes to work, you need to built a good reputation. Don't commit too many mistakes, don't give the lazy-i-don't care-attitude and always come on time. Because one day, when you make a "mistake" when in fact the mistake wasn't caused by you, nobody will believe in you because previously you have made too many mistakes. Quoting my boss, "victim of circumstances". This kind of thing do happen and the cause of it? You are simply UNLUCKY.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Supervising Your Horny Partner

I hate massage parlors. You can see a lot of them here in Malaysia, even at my place here Kota Damansara. Why do i hate them? Perhaps because i know that most of them aren't genuine massage centers, in other words they provide sexual services. The massage part is just a disguise for them since providing sexual favours in return for money is illegal. Prostitution is illegal in Malaysia, unlike some immoral countries who actually legalize them.

I was reading the news article whereby housewives are complaining how their husbands frequently visit such centers and the fact that the government isn't effectively doing anything to stop non genuine massage centers. Duh, what do you expect when the authorities are MEN (i'm in my PMS mood so expect a lot of bitchiness).

What do these housewives really want? Will shutting down such massage centers stop their stupid horny perverted husband to find other sources for sexual favors?

I always believe that you can't stop prostitution because there will always be a demand for it. The demand comes from perverted DESPERATE horny men who is willing to pay for sex.

Now, if men are self discipline and don't go for prostitution, there won't be prostitution right?

There won't be cheating if the man or woman don't seek the companionship of a third party.

Hence affairs, like prostitution, always begins from the cheating partner who simply have an ATTITUDE PROBLEM a.k.a selfish, inconsiderate, perverted etc.

Some women love to supervise their partner so much to the extent that she checks all her partner's belongings which includes phones, diaries, social network accounts, etc. Paranoid and obsessive? Seems that way. You simply don't trust your partner, hence the excessive supervision.

Some know their partner is a player but yet choose to remain with such partner and gets angry at the women who her partner is fooling around with. That's really stupid since it's her partner who initiate the flirting in the first place and yet she wants to blame the third party?

If i was in such shitty situation, i'll just dump my useless partner instead of wasting my time making sure he doesn't cheat on me by obliterating everything that makes him horny and giving him sexual favours.

Men aren't children, they don't need supervision.