Friday, December 26, 2014

Electricity Prob

How to solve an electricity problem when it looks like only your condo unit is facing the problem (there was a loud sound and the electricity went off in the living room and study room but there was still electric supply to my masterbedroom and laundry room), hence the steps:

1. Look at the switch box. Coz when i was younger I always watched my parents looking at the switch box and pushing something up when there is no electricity.

2. The switches are all suppose to be up. If despite pushing one of the switches up there is still no electricity, go to Management Office.

3. Thank God Management Office was still open and this annoying incident happened during office hour time. It was 3pm on a Friday. Confirmed with management that only my unit is facing this stupid problem and whether their electrician could look at it first but when the person in charge said I need to get my electrician, I  asked for an electrician number.

4. Before calling electrician, I called my father. Coz father knows best.

5. Father says to call the electrian. Arrghh.

6. I remembered that my stepfather is an electrician as well so I called him first in case I don't need an electrician to come to my condo and I can have the problem settled ASAP. This was getting annoying and im like sweating and I have an appointment to attend to.

7. Followed my stepfather's instructions but problem still persist. Was told to get the Management Office to look into the problem before calling the electrician.

8. Called electrician but electrician told me he will call me back. Arrghhh.

9. Called my trusted and honest plumber because I think he told me once before that he is also an electrician. He started asking me and using all these electrical terminologies which obviously i don't understand. But he told me and insist that i seek the Management Office assistance first to find out the problem since I can't explain to him the problem. I only know THERE IS NO ELECTRICITY IN SOME PARTS OF CONDO UNITS.

10. So since 2 electricians asked me to see the Management Office first, i went to the Management Office AGAIN and insist that their electrician look into the problem first  before I get my own electrician. 

11. I was given the condo's electrician number and gave him a call.  He told me he will come slightly late but i pleaded for him to come soon because im going out. Luckily he said he will come in 5 mins. 

12. He checked and said that the "meter box fuis and there is three phase". Okay, that's what I heard and i know i spell it out wrong because I have no idea what he was saying. So i asked him what I should do and he told me TNB needs to replaced the meter box. Apparently I have to call TNB and explained to them the problem.

13. TNB says problem will be resolved 1-2 hours. I was skeptical but prayed they settle it ASAP coz i will ne FRIDGELESS and DESKTOPLESS. I went out for my appointment. I was soooo late.

14. Got home 4 hours later and PROBLEM SOLVED!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Method Not Right

I quote a paragraph from the link above :

"The musical 'Asmara Songsang' portrays the lives of three LGBT friends who like to party, take drugs and have casual sex and are subsequently asked to repent by their religious neighbours, who try to reintroduce Islam to them.

Those who repent are spared and those who do not are struck by lightning and killed."
Never watch the play but the description of it is enough to turned me off. I am against LBGT (lesbian, bisexual, gay & transexual) but this play is not one of the methods to overcome the homosexuality problem in Malaysia that is becoming more rampant and open in Malaysia.

Plays like this will provoke the gay rights activist even more and paint a bad picture on religion. It's so wrong to associate homosexuality with party, drugs and casual sex. Hell, a lot of straight people party, do drugs and casual sex.

And seriously strike by lightning? If you want people to take your message seriously, don't be over dramatic. There are a lot of gays and lesbians out there (muslims) yet you don't see them get strike by lightning.

When educating someone on something that is deem "wrong" or "immoral", we got to explain why it's wrong. Not put them in fear thinking that's the only way they will get to the right path.
My opinion is based on the fact that I do not support gay and lesbian marriage. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. We can't always get what we want in life

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Back to Blogging

My last post was June 2012??? I used to be so active in blogging. Guess there are several reasons that caused my lacked of blogging :

1. LAZY.

2. I post and write a lot of stuff on Facebook. So i guess whatever i need to say i expressed it via facebook.

3. Work. I used to blog at home and in the afternoon or late at night but i can't do that any more since I'm working now.

4. Cats. Looking after my babies take up some of my "free time".

5. Drama Series. Since i got myself the high speed internet thingy, I've been actively downloading tv series that i find interesting. This also takes up my "free time".

6. Writer's Block. There were occasions where i was passionately blogging and i suffered writer's block midway or i got distracted so I didn't bother to continue my post.

Am i going to continue blogging actively after this? I might since there are many things going through my mind now.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Neutering & Spaying Your Kitties

Neutering is for males while spaying is for females. These are procedures to sterilize your cats from reproducing. Why don't you want your cats to reproduce?

1. No time to look after so many cats.
2. Not enough money to support so many cats a.k.a food, cat litter, medication etc.

I have two furbies, Boo and Brownie. I bought Boo first because Brownie because I have no intention to mate them. Then later i bought Brownie because I was afraid Boo will be lonely and bored since I can't spend my whole time with her. I got a male cat because logically, a male cat will be more friendly to a female cat. Besides, I wanted to mate them and have cute kitties!

Then Boo started to be on HEAT. It was torture for me because she was noisy. She will be noisy for a week then return to normal. However, her on heat pattern is twice a month and it will last a week each. SO THAT IS DAMN LONG TO ENDURE.

Brownie is younger than Boo for about 4 months so he still can't hump her and have no sexual urges. Good for him because MALE CATS ARE SUPPOSE TO BE LOUDER. Noise is a main concern for me because I'm staying at a condominium. I don't want any animal hater neighbour to complain about me having cats. It's UNFAIR when condos and apartments don't allow you to have pets provided you ensure their cleanliness. Animal haters shall rot in hell.

Aside from the noise, my main concern was also putting them through surgery. I worry too much sometimes. I don't want some vet's negligence to happen and cost the life of my cats.

Anyway, I finally decided to spay and neuter my cats because :

1. Boo's too noisy. And apparently when you don't get laid, you become stress and she looks stress and wasn't eating right. She's not much of an eater but at least she's eating her wet food now compare to when she was on heat. Meowww meowwww meoowww meoooow. high piercing meows. I was so stressed that i played some loud music to drown her meows.

2. Kittens. As much as i want to have them soooo badly, I know I can't look after so many cats in a small space. Of course I would give away some but what happens if the new owners don't take care of them well? Some people want to have cats but don't comprehend the obligations that comes with it. And putting Boo through LABOUR? That's painful! (yes, im dramatic and i spoiled my cats like crazy). 



Anyway, I was kindda worried how they were behaving after the surgeries and after regaining consciousness. Both were afraid of me, didn't want me to touch them.

Since they can't walk properly yet (dazed), I left them in their cages for 2 hours. After I let them out, they could walk. Boo was hissing the whole night while Brownie was meowing the whole night. They were not in pain since Boo was quiet and Brownie wanted to play. 

EFFECT after the surgeries? Boo is quiet and eating better now. Brownie still the same, playful as ever. And here I thought they say that your cats are suppose to be quiet and lazy.

But i do hope they grow fat and big!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Man in a Female Beauty Pageant

I quote a sentence from the article : 
"The organization and its owner Donald Trump also announced policy changes that will allow transgender women to compete."

I'm totally against transgender competing in Ms Universe (for women). Let me list down my sensible reasonings : 

1. if u r a country who still believe in God and His teachings, you wouldn't allow such thing because you are only encouraging people to the "dark side". So yeah, conservative God fearing country might not stone transgenders or crossgenders to death but they won't recognize same sex marriage or laws to recognize such people nor to give them legal rights as a new gender.

2. First of all, if Ms Universe or any pathetic beauty pageants know the meaning of BEAUTY, they will have a RULE that contestants will be disqualify for plastic surgery and intake of hormones. And instead of that lame "bikini" segment, they should have NO MAKEUP SEGMENT. That's how you appreciate genuine beauty. And of course the questions to test your intelligence and to ensure you are not just a pretty bimbo. Now, if there were such rules, TRANSGENDERS DEFINITELY CAN'T COMPETE. 

3. So really, what is beauty? Silicones and hormones? Bravo Bravo.

4. You have transgender beauty competition so whoever is a transgender, can compete in that. Don't have to be nosy and join the female beauty pageant. 

Lets just say im very dissapointed with Mr Trump n people who don't appreciate the real meaning of beauty.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Undoing the Natural

Sometimes, you don't even know something is "wrong" until someone pointed it out to you and give you ideas that the "wrong" is unacceptable and must be changed.

I'm talking about female looks. When I was in high school, suddenly STRAIGHT HAIR is an It Thing. Many girls started to go to the salon and have their curly/wavy hair straighten out permanently until it regrows. It seems like you are only pretty if you have straight hair and friends will encourage you to straighten your hair. My hair was wavy and at one point of time I was guilty for committing the hair straightening trend but I didn't redo it when my hair start to grow back to its wavy ways. 2 reasons for this : back then it was expensive and I couldn't really care and I kindda missed my wavy hair.

I also see my friends being obsessed with plucking their eyebrows because according to them, if your eyebrows are shaped nicely, it will enhance your looks. Unless your eyebrows are really thick or thin or both your eyebrows connected to each other, I wouldn't really notice any problem with your eyebrows. I never plucked my eyebrows because I was never unhappy about how my eyebrows look until one incident happened to me which still didn't really change my opinion about my eyebrows.

I accompanied my ex stepmom to a salon because the bitch wanted to get her eyebrows plucked. Then one of the workers there asked me whether I wanna do mine and i said no. In an attempt to change my mind and get more money, the stupid bitch said my eyebrows look like a man and if I were to shape them nicely, I will look pretty. Fuck u. But I was young then, in my late teens so instead of being super angry, I was semi angry but more hurt and suddenly become self conscious of my looks no thanks to that stupid insensitive whore. But I'm proud to say that i never once plucked my eyebrows despite friends telling me I should give it a try. The reason why i never do it :

1. i don't like people telling me how i should look.
2. i have no time for eyebrows plucking.
3. I couldn't give a shit about it.
4. Waste of money. And even if i can do it on my own, i couldn't give a shit about it.
5. I dont have issues with my eyebrows and so what if others have?

What I'm trying to point out here by giving you example of my experiences is that society tells you what is pretty and what is not. Why should society dictate for you what's the ideal beauty? Below are what society dictates as pretty (in Malaysia) :

1. Fair skin.
2. Thin/Skinny/Slim.
3. Straight hair.
4. Big eyes.
5. Eyes with double eyelids.
6. And many more.

And so you have girls obsess with skin products to make their skin as white as a corpse and girls who wear thick eye makeup to make their eyes bigger. Now they have that ridiculous contact lense to make your pupil big and black. And that fake thing to make it look like you have double eyelids when in fact you don't.

Why do girls want to feel proud with their excessive makeup covering their facial flaws or plastic surgery to enhance their beauty when they are not natural and some temporary? Not only that, forcing others to such trend and if others don't join it, they will be taunt about how ugly they will look without the fake beauty enhancers.

Kindly do not force and pressure others into your idealistic beauty. And girls, please have more confidence in your self. No point aiming for perfection because nobody is perfect. Only God is perfect.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ethics when using smartphones or whatever technologies

News have been reporting on how gadgets a.k.a smartphones and tablets are "destroying" the family institution.

1. Spouses having affairs when the other suspicious busy body spouse sneakily check the phone and found lovey dovy messages from a third party.

2. Children absorb with texting and surfing online with their gadgets over dining with family.

But besides family, i find it extremely irritating when friends do the same too. Every second wanna text/surf online. Thank God my close friends don't do that but i have encountered some during "dates". Made me want to shove the phone down throat and out of his ass. It's a MAJOR TURN OFF during dates. What could be the cause of this ?

1. The jackass must have think im not interesting, hence chose to busy himself with his damn phone.

2. The jackass doesn't know how to communicate with a woman, hence play with his phone while one of us figure out what to talk about.

So basically a person who likes to keep himself/herself occupied with the gadget while in the presence of other fellow human beings can only mean the following :

1. His/Her online friends are more interesting.
2. Real live humans are BORING to be around with.
3. Don't know how to communicate with real live humans.
4. Naturally born to be rude and inconsiderate with the "i don't care what u think about me and my gadgets".

Going back to the breakdown of the family institution due to these gadgets, i don't understand why parents must get smartphones and tablets for their children. Every where i go, i can see children playing games on the tablets while on family outing. Why in the f*ck do u need to bring the tablet if you are on family outing? To keep your children occupied while you, the parent will be busy buying your stuff? Sometimes children just need to tolerate with the boredom. Might as well you ask your child to bring the school textbook and read it instead of playing games. It irks me to see children playing with tablets.

When tablets were not created ages ago, children back then were just fine. They don't need games to keep themselves occupied while out on a family outing. I remember never bringing my Tetris game when i go out with my family. The Tetris game was left at home.

So yeah, if parents want to accuse their children of being too absorb with their smartphones and tablets, parents can only blame themselves for getting these unnecessary gadgets. If your child is below 17, why in the hell do they need a smart phone? You are only exposing them to danger especially with no parental supervision. I know parents are "pressured" socially to get these gadgets but they need to overcome that.

As for partners who have affairs via gadgets, don't blame the gadgets. Gadgets only make it EASIER TO HAVE AFFAIRS. ages ago, men only can have affairs with hookers since they have to manually drive all the way to the brothels. Now you can even screw with ur sis/bro in law, friends, colleagues etc. You simply got to live with the fact your partner is an asshole of a player so either you leave such partner, or you caged him like a loyal animal.

The only way to solve this issue is if you learn to respect others and be considerate to others and make the effort to start a conversation and listen. Not bury yourself with the gadgets.