Thursday, September 29, 2011

Simply a Rude B*stard

I have heard many advises from people saying that if you are unhappy with your partner about something, don't shout or scold your partner but instead tell him or her in a NICE WAY that whatever he or she is doing is not to your liking.

Don't fight fire with fire. Out of curiousity, i watched the Namawee's video where he was THRASHING UTUSAN. Let me summarized the whole issue for you : basically he's pissed off that some journalist who didn't want to watch his stupid movie a.k.a Nasi Lemak 2.0. Is that just the reason why he got so pissed off? I don't think so since you can tell from his reaction in the video.

Why was he so pissed off at the journalist?
1. The journalist reminded readers of his PAST MISTAKE(S). His INFAMOUS NEGARAKUKU music video, It's one thing to humiliate a particular race, but it's another thing when you insult a particular RELIGION. Even i can't forget his insults in the video.

2. The journalist attacked his sincerity and genuineness in promoting racial unity. Even i don't believe his sincerity. From Negarakuku to all this 1Malaysia promotional videos/songs? Isn't he trying too hard to please everyone after being such a racist bastard? He should just shut up and disappear into thin air instead of doing all these 1Malaysia thing.

3. The journalist questioned why no severe actions were taken against him after the Negarakuku fiasco. It's like as if saying sorry was sufficient enough. Maybe after what Namawee did, he should just lay low instead of going around making more videos bitching and insulting more things like TNB and Malaysia football quality.

I googled up for this journalist's article because i wanted to see how bad did she criticized Namawee's movie since from the way he reacted, it's like as if she humiliated him soooo bad.But her article wasn't even OFFENSIVE as compared to his video. In her article, the journalist clearly stated that she has nothing against his movie but it's him she has a problem with. I know what she feels and i feel the same way too.

Why would people want to boycott Nasi Lemak 2.0?

Simply because they don't like Namawee and couldn't forgive him for his so called past "mistake" and encourage people not to watch his movie because it will make him richer and famous.

Why I wouldn't watch his movie?1.

1. I hate him.

2. I despise him.

3. Why should i watch a movie being made by him and give him profits? It's like going to a restaurant owned by an ex which u hate and making him richer by dining at his place.

4. I seriously hate him.

5. And like what the journalist of the article said, even if you give me FREE TICKETS, i wouldn't want to watch it. That shows how much i hate him.

Of course, some Namawee defenders will say :

1. Please forgive and forget. Don't keep grudges.

2. He's a talented entertainer. Really? If you say talented at being vulgar and rude i will sooooooo agree on that. AND OBVIOUSLY the journalist wasn't giving a review on his movie (as what the idiot claims).

She didn't even criticize his movie. She merely gave her OWN OPINION on what she really thinks about NAMAWEE.

I'm being very critical about Namawee because :

1. he overreacted. it's like as if i commented "i hate you" and you replied "go die bitch".

2. Why bitched about Utusan too? Why not just attacked the journalist? Or is this his "golden opportunity" to attack Utusan for some personal hatred?

3. The way he talks is like as if he's some kind of a hot shot gangster wannabe. *puke*

4. Attacked the journalist credibility. hello, at least she sounds more civilised and well mannered than this rude jackass.

I'll let you be the JUDGE as to whether the journalist deserve such humiliation from this rude donkey ass :

The video :

The article :