Monday, March 1, 2010

Just Thinking

I was just thinking that in matters of affairs and cheating, one shouldn't really be mad at the person who your partner is cheating on. The responsibility is on your partner not to cheat. So you deserve to kill your cheating partner and be thankful to the person who your partner is cheating on for showing the "true colours" of your partner.

And you really think you can forgive your partner after he/she cheated you the first time? Even if you can, there will be "trust issues". Quoting Friedrich Nietzsche "I'm not upset that you lied to me. I'm upset from now on I can't believe in you". There's the problem when you cheat in a relationship, you lose the trust of your partner.

So it's like that Daphne Iking's case. Why would Daphne Iking's husband want to charge the guy who is alleged to have affair with Daphne Iking for attempting to take away his wife? If the law wants to make such law, an affair should be proven and the offender should be the married spouse for being the one who broke the marriage vows. Perhaps the person who the spouse had affair with should be charge for abetting in the affair :-). Hell, if this were to really happen, imagine all the slutty and whorish mistresses who have affair with a married man, so many will end up in prison or being fined :-D.

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