Prostitution. Who should be blamed for the growing business? The prostitutes, or the clients? If there is no prostitute, there won't be clients. If there are no clients, there wouldn't be prostitutes. Either way, it takes 2 to tango. Personally, i blame the clients more because it's their choice to go or not to go to a prostitute.
When i was in a relationship, my ex sometimes look at other girls. This upsets me and i find it very disrespectful of him. He's not respecting me as a gf by looking at other girls. In defence, he said that other guys look at me, and it makes him angry. That is one bullshit of a lousy defence because although guys look at me, i don't look at other guys or say things like how hot that guy is or he's sooo cute. You know why i don't say it? Because i don't want to hurt my ex's feelings. Though this seems like a small and petty matter to be arguing about, i don't tolerate such thing. But he eventually kicked the habit away. Either he keeps the habit and suffers facing my bitchiness at him or vice versa. See what a strict training can do to man? If they can't do what you want, leave them. There are plenty of fishes in the sea anyway. And what you are asking them to do involves showing respect to you as a partner.
Yes, i notice how some guys tend to look at other girls even if their gf/wife is walking by their sides. Then the partner will give that other girl an angry glare, as if the girl is to be blamed for their bf/husband wandering eyes.
It's the most lamest dumbass excuse that guys say they are guys, that's why they have the urge to look at other women. That it's only natural. Or don't blame them if the girl is wearing sexy dresses or whatever.
You know, when men hang out with their friends, they do the most stupid, shallow and thoughtless things like talking about women (her physical attributes), sharing sex stories with each other (who got laid), looking at women when a woman pass by their tables, etc. So when this become such a habit, man bring it into their relationship with a woman, thus commenting and looking at another woman when their partner is just by their side.
Some women are okay and open minded when their partner talks or looks at another woman. Some women are too timid to voice out their dissatisfaction while some women like ME, will give their partner a piece of their mind.
I don't take crap from men. If men want me to respect them, they have to respect me. I don't tolerate any childish manly behaviour, especially those that degrade women.
I watched an episode of Seinfield once, where the comedian says that looking at a woman's cleavage is like looking into the sun. You look, then you look away. Or something like that. You CAN'T STARE into the sun if you don't want to be blinded for life, rite?. Alternatively, you don't stare at a woman if you don't want to get caught in such an act, especially by your partner. But it disgusts me how men stares and comment about another woman in the presence of their partner, as if not respecting their partner's feelings. Women are too emotional you say? Ha, if the size of a man's penis can be determined from the surface like the shape of a woman's boobs or ass, and women start comparing the guy's size, let's see who becomes emotional.
Woman shouldn't be angry at another woman for the bf/husband pervertness. You bitch and scold that other woman for indirectly seducing your partner but are you going to bitch and scold the various other women who your partner is being pervert with? The source is your pervert of a partner. Attack your partner, he has the obligation to be loyal to you yet he breached that obligation.
If say i have a bf and my bf is cheating on me, i will kill my bf. No point killing the bitch he cheated with because God knows, in the future he may just have another affair with another woman. If you kill all the mistresses that he's having affair with, it doesn't stop the fact that he will stop his infidelity. That's why when i read the news of how a jealous bf murders the guy his gf is having affair with, i think it's just plain stupid. And you still choose to be with your cheating partner. What happens if she cheats again? you will kill her next bf too?
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