Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Trend of "Adik/Abang/Kakak Angkat"

Today i read in the news about a Malay celebrity who married his "adik angkat". I was like ??!!. Isn't it kindda disgusting to marry someone who you treat as an adik angkat? Sure, some will say it's not disgusting because it's allowed since you are not blood related. But you don't see the bigger picture here. This is what i personally think :

Is there any difference when you call someone a FRIEND, GF/BF and adik angkat?

A friend is basically someone you like and spend your time with because you guys have some kind of common interest.

GF/BF is someone you love and want to be intimate with.

Adik/Abang/Angkat is like making someone who is not blood related to you as a family member because you probably adore them as a sibling and don't have the urges to be intimate with him/her. If you want to be intimate with him/her you would make her/him your lover right?

When i was in HIGH SCHOOL, there is a stupid,lame and pathetic trend where the senior students will make the junior students (especially the cute pretty or handsome ones) as their adik angkat. My problem with this is that there will be FLIRTING going on. Some will even end up coupling with each other.

So really, what's the point of this adik/abang/kakak angkat concept? Does giving the title adik angkat give you a strong reason to shower gifts and be "super friendly" with your adik angkat without people immediately jumping into conclusion that you and your adik angkat have "something" going on? I can compare this to a situation where a guy is so eager to make you his gf because if you are his gf, he can touch you.

People really need to respect the essence of adik/kakak/abang angkat. If i told you i had an ayah angkat and 5 years later told you i'm gonna marry him, doesn't that sound retarded? Why should it be any different with an adik angkat?

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