Saturday, May 7, 2011

Song of the Devil

Have you watched Lady Gaga's new music video titled Judas? If you haven't, go to this link :

I'm not a Christian but i would think that this song is kindda offensive to the Christian followers (the conservative ones anyway). My interpretation of this video clip is that Gaga portrays Mary Magdalene while the bikers are Jesus and his disciples which includes the famous Judas. It seems like there is a love triangle between Mary, Jesus and Judas. I assuming the biker leader is Jesus since he has the thorny crown (i forgot the name of it) on his head. Funny how i couldn't see the word "Jesus" on the back of the guy's biker jacket when i can see the rest of the bikers' names on their jackets, like Judas and Peter (and aren't they the disciples of Jesus?).

Some of Gaga's fans say we shouldn't interpret the video LITERALLY in the sense that it's a story about Jesus. How can you not interpret it literally when you basically make the lead biker look like Jesus (with his innocent look and the thorny crown), naming the rest of the bikers after the Disciples of Jesus and Gaga singing :

In the most Biblical sense,
I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the cultural sense
I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offensed,
Or wear ear condom next time

Obviously she's Mary since Mary was a prostitute. And the last part of the video showing Gaga being STONED. Basically it's like re telling the story of Jesus and his 12 disciples in a twisted manner.

Why do i named this entry as SONG OF THE DEVIL? Well many have this theory that Gaga is an Illuminati/Free Manson follower. I'm not that clear what this group is all about since some say they are devil worshipers while others claim they are a bunch of smart ass influential people who want to control the world in economics, politics and entertainment. Some say such followers are both, meaning they are devil worshipers and world control freaks. But why must you be a devil worshiper anti christ if you want to control the world?

So yes, there's this theory that Gaga's songs are meant to poison the mind of the people, to lead them astray from religion. Maybe there's some truth to this. Take a look at the CHORUS of the Judas song :

I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a Holy fool, oh baby he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas Juda-a-a, Judas GaGa

I quote the chorus because when we sing, most of the time we sing the chorus repeatedly since the chorus is a repetition and easier to sing. So imagine singing that over and over and over again. It's like basically saying you love Judas, the guy who caused Jesus to be killed.

Then again, i'm a person who emphasized on INTENTION. Of course when we sing the song we have no intention to praise Judas. We sing out of liking. Example, I can say "I Love You" without meaning it, does that mean i love you? No right? It's easy to say out words but not easy to actually mean what we say.

But some believed that if you keep saying it over and over again, you can actually mean it or believed in it. That doesn't make sense to me. If i don't love you, no matter how many times i say i love you, i won't love you.

But it's NOT NICE to say "I hate you" to your parents although you claim you don't really hate them right? The same concept can be applied to this song. You know the lyrics are not that "nice" (saying I Love Judas the guy who betrayed your God), so why sing it?

Truth to be told, i kindda like this song because of the melody and the beat of it. But because i realized what the lyrics are saying, i'm hesitant to sing it. Then again, i'm not a Christian and my beliefs differ.

In this modern times, we use the term Judas to indicate that the person is a betrayer, like "Don't be a Judas".

Now you see the importance of censorship and limitation to entertainment? When there is no censorship on movies and music, this kind of thing will happen, people going around tainting religion while religious authorities just keep quiet about it.

Yes, this video clip is interesting to watch and the lyrics are interesting but it should be banned. Why taint the image of your God in such a way? I'm a Muslim and if there is a video clip about Prophet Muhammad being made in such a way, i will be damn pissed off even though he's just a prophet. Why? Because he's a good man, why taint his image in such a way? Merely for entertainment? That's BS.


  1. urgh, hate this song. Gaga has no creativity whatsoever that she has to resort to blatant insults on a religion just to be controversial and gain attention. Really a 'fame monster'. Or should I say fame whore.

  2. it's a shame when someone from religious school turned out to be like that...using religion content to such extend? ridiculous! from observation, i don't even think she believed in her 'religion' that's why she could taint it that way...she claimed she used it as metaphor..yeah,right! don't lie....

    btw, in Islam, better be careful of what you say. because it can turned out to be your doa (even if you have no intention)

  3. the metaphor excuse is just BS to cover up. I don't see any metaphors here coz she tells it as it is.

    But how can it be a doa? I thought doa will only happen if you are genuine and you intend to do whatever u doa for?

  4. It does not turn out to be a doa. It can be at the will of Him and Him alone.

    Ever thought of the fact that if you wanted to say anything, you'd have the capability to do so?

  5. we can say something but doesn't mean we mean it? A murder is not a murder if there is NO INTENT to murder :)

  6. We can say anything of course....but if we repeatedly say something...especially more than 40x (if i'm not mistaken)...intended or will considered as doa... that's why, we are taught to say something good only..if we don't have anything good to say, better keep quiet. Ever heard of saying "mothers should be careful of every word they say to their child,because it will turn out to be a doa"?

    Doa is a doa...whether it is fulfilled or not, it's all up to Allahh s.w.t. :)
