Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Polygamy Again and Again

So there was this poll on Facebook asking IF THE HUSBAND WANTS TO POLYGAMY AND POLYGAMY THE RIGHT WAY, WILL YOU AGREE? the 2 choice of answers are as follows :

1. Yes. At least he told me.
2. No. Over my dead body!

I answered no 2 of course! I have addressed this matter many times so i'm just gonna make this blog entry short and simple. I need to vent out my anger on this issue anyway and that's why i'm blogging on this matter again.

It bloody hell irks me when Muslim Men used the argument that "Islam allows it. Women shouldn't say it's wrong men can't polygamy". Feel like punching their faces.

Firstly, we didn't say that polygamy is wrong. We women just hate polygamy. And the hate can be justified by the fact that we don't want to share our partner. Did Islam say WE MUST SHARE OUR PARTNER? HELL NO.

Secondly, go ahead and polygamy. If the wife gets angry, you can't blamed her and use religion as your defence.

Thirdly, most men polygamy for all the WRONG REASONS. Why was polygamy allowed in the first place? Because there were many WIDOWS back then because men go to war. Nowadays men just go to prison. By the way, according to recent statistic, in Malaysia, men outnumbered women in terms of population. In other words, there are not enough women for men. You only polygamy when there is too many women but not enough men.

Fourthly, if a man says he wants to help that woman and that's why he wants to make her his 2nd/3rd/4th wife, then just help her FINANCIALLY. Why must you get married to her? Is it also important that you satisfy her lust? And hence that's why you need to get married to her? Isn't it good enough that since you want to be a bloody saint just help her financially? Or you think that what's the point of helping her financially if you don't get to screw her?

Fifthly, it's my PERSONAL OPINION that i think polygamy is like indirect cheating which is legal because it's allowed in Islam. It's INDIRECT CHEATING because why would you marry a woman if you don't love her? So you let yourself fall in love with another woman because you know you have a SAFETY NET a.k.a POLYGAMY IS ALLOWED IN ISLAM. If you say you don't love her but want to marry her because you want to help her out, then give your money to her instead. And it's LEGAL because it's allowed in Islam. If you are not a muslim, then you can be guilty of bigamy. Or you want to come up with an argument that you want to help her fulfill her sexual lust in a legal non sinful manner? One hard powerful kick in the crotch for you is on the way.

And screw you if you think i will let you screw other women while i ONLY screw you.


  1. I had to laugh somewhat at this blog entry. There may be somethng wrong with some kinds of polygamy, but polygyny is quite moral - and no I am not a Muslim. My laughter reflects the obvious prejudice and personal bias. I understand it. Afterall, the world is full of it. I wish you the best. Have a good day.

  2. I totally agree with this article. :)

  3. Ignore the above dude's post. The delusion hamster is strong in that one.

    There's no bias. This is justice. Tell your husband to be that you will allow him to have polygyny ONLY if you are also allowed to have polyandry. Fair is fair. Otherwise he MUST remain monogamous. Alternatively, you can do what the Salafi Muslim women do - put a no-polygamy clause on their marriage contract.

    You forgot to add that nowadays women make their OWN money. So why the hell must they remain in an unfair marriage and a broken contract when they support half of the family's household (and sometimes MORE..as many muslim men of the malay variety are not particularly responsible or financially able).

    FYI I am not muslim. I stay the hell away from muslim men because of polygamy (yuck! Asking for trouble) and I think other non-muslim women should do the same.
