Saturday, April 9, 2011

Giving a Shot at Malay Comedy

I like comedy movies but not all are worthy to watch. I don't really watch Malay comedies because most of it are typical, try too hard and childish. But yesterday i gave a shot at the comedy Hantu Kak Limah balik ke Kampung. I have to admit, there are like 2-3 scenes that actually made me laughed. So i won't really say it's bad because it managed to make me laughed.

What made me give this movie a shot? Thanks to Facebook for introducing the character "Usop" from Hantu Kak Limah. There was a FB fanpage for him and i read some of the movie lines and it actually sounded funny and smart.

And when i watched the movie, his character attracted me the most. His character was sarcastic and he doesn't try so hard to be funny. His character was even unique : wheel chair bound (but occasionally somehow managed to run away by carrying his wheelchair instead), the constant waving of his right hand, the way he talks and his facial expression.

The prob with most Malay comedy is that there will be at least one very "pondan" like character. The character will be either gay or a man who likes to act,talk and move like a woman. Even Awie character in the movie has a little bit of these typical kind of pondan traits. I don't know, maybe majority of the Malays think this is very funny. I just find it irritating. Usop's character has this pondan kind of character too but somehow it isn't irritating because he's not using his pondanish character to make people laugh.

I'm not totally a big fan of Hollywood comedies either. Some can be really bad and freaking stupid. The worst comedy movie i can remember is "Don't Mess with the Zohan". It's utterly disgusting and what kind of idiot can come up with such bad movie script. It's filled with too many sexual dialogs.

One problem with Hollywood comedy is that they use sex as a joke. If a comedy have to rely on sex jokes through out the movie, then it's not worth watching because majority of the sex jokes will be stupid, disgusting and humiliating to either gender. That was the problem with the movie DON'T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN. A disappointing movie by Adam Sandler because most of his comedies are actually good.

So i don't like comedies that tries too hard to be funny. A good comedy is one where they have really good lines which make you laugh or smile.

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