Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homosexuality Hypocrisy

I had an interesting conversation with a friend (my co worker) who pointed out to me that he doesn't like Glee because it promotes immoral values such as sex out of wedlock and homosexuality. He has a point.

I like Glee because of the choice of songs and they have very talented casts. Some of their performances are good too. But i never like the homosexuality part where the character named Kurt is an open gay. The show even shows him kissing with another guy. It seems like they are promoting homosexuality, encouraging teens to be open about their choice of sexuality. It's the same for True Blood. I like True Blood because it's horror and the vampires aren't your typical vampires. Unfortunately the homosexuality scenes is a great turned off for me.

So i say i don't like homosexuality being promoted. Am i a hypocrite for watching such shows then? By watching such shows it's like encouraging more shows to come up with homosexual characters and scenes.

If society are really against homosexuality being promoted, then they wouldn't watch shows that have elements of promoting homosexuality. If such shows don't get a lot of viewers, then show makers have to ensure to keep out the gay characters and scenes. But as long as shows that promote homosexuality keep getting a good amount of viewers, they will NEVER drop the gay parts.

I can understand why my friend wouldn't allow his son to watch Glee. Shows promoting homosexuality send the message that it's ok to be gay. That we should be "open" about gays. I have never seen shows that while promoting gay characters and lifestyle, talk about REPENTANCE from homosexuality.

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