Monday, May 16, 2011

Driving Angry

I always believe that the way you drive represents what kind of person you are. So if you drive like an asshole a.k.a never give signal when turning left or right, honk for no reason, tailgating, cutting lanes dangerously, park like a jackass (double parking or park where you are not suppose to park) means you are naturally an inconsiderate asshole. You see, if you are a considerate person or a well mannered person, naturally you will be well mannered on the road too.

It has been 1 month since i started working and driving here and there. Actually, i don't really drive here and there since i'm still scared to drive to places i'm not familiar with. Nevertheless, it took only 1 month and in selected locations to learn that a lot of people are asshole drivers. But i do meet some nice drivers though. Though not as often as the bloody rude ones.

Today i went to KL High Court. Whenever i need to go to court, i will leave my home around 6 45am. Why?
1. To be on time.
2. To avoid jams.
3. To get parking.

I sacrificde my TIME and SLEEP to do this. So imagine how f*cking pissed off i get when some asshole blocked my car because he/she couldn't get a parking or wanted to park some where nearby to the entrance.

For the past bloody 1 month, there have been 3-4 occasions when my car was blocked by an inconsiderate driver, today is the 4th time. Is it my fault that my car becomes a victim just because my parking area is nearby to the entrance?

For today's incident, i finished my court matter by 8 45 am. As i walked towards my car, i noticed several cars who parked blocking other cars but AT LEAST they left their number. I was praying hard no stupid car will be parked in front of my car or if there is one, at least he will leave his number so i can call him. NO SUCH BLOODY LUCK. A black myvi was blocking my car. There was no number. I asked the guard, he said he can't do anything.

In a previous incident, a stupid car blocked my car too, that was at Shah Alam Court. But because the jackass didn't pull up his hand break, the guard can push the car forward so i could drive out from the parking.

So i asked the help of a guy nearby to help me push the car. The guy tried to push but the car wouldn't move. I noticed the handbreak was not pulled up but the guy was mentioning something about the gear not being in neutral or something and that's why the car can't be pushed. FUCKING ASSHOLE INCONSIDERATE DRIVER.

So i waited 30 minutes before the bitch finally arrived. Maybe she saw the pissed off look on my face and that's why her sorry was so low and timid, you could hardly hear her. She quickly got into her car and drove off.

Then there's another asshole driver who park illegally exactly at the corner where u have to make a turn and there's another car parking illegally at the opposite so making it very difficult to turn without HITTING BOTH STUPIDD ASSHOLE CARS. Leave it to KL Court to make me curse while i drive my way out.

And what's with stupid people and speeding at a place where there are traffic lights? It's red light right in front of you but you want to overtake the car in front of you and speedily drive to the front. What, you think you are hot and cool speeding like that?

Yes i complained a lot while driving. That's because i CAN'T TOLERATE RUDE SELFISH DRIVERS. I can't tolerate any form of inconsiderateness and selfishness.

You make other people's life difficult every time you do something rude, inconsiderate and selfish.

What pisses me ultimately is when people cut lanes WITHOUT GIVING SIGNAL. And to make it even irritating, when they cut lanes, they do it quickly. Firstly, you never gave signal and secondly you want to cut in just like that? And you expect the car behind you not to hit you when you didn't even give the car any kind of warning that you wanted to cut into his lane?


  1. Frankly, the cat just ruins the whole seriousness of the post. wuhuhu.

  2. must add some kitty to the post :-). it represents me <3
